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Full Version: CSS PUG crashing
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Hey, my friend wants to play a PUG with me and he can join fine but it shows me a loading screen and the game crashes, this only happens on warlords. please help
Need more info to be able to help. Is there an error message? What map is the server on when he is trying to join? It could possibly be a corrupt aim_map_warmup2 file.
(Jul 10 2016, 08:26 PM)sosa Wrote: [ -> ]Need more info to be able to help. Is there an error message? What map is the server on when he is trying to join? It could possibly be a corrupt aim_map_warmup2 file.

Im playing EU, we've mostly played DD2 and no error message shows up it gets to the end of the loading screen and then simply quits the game. This also happens on any map. i've tried validating game files too.