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Full Version: Report admin abuse and vote kick abuse
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Back when I was better than Ghoul
Nice, quotes. Regardless of how anyone feels about me this report should be viewed as a result of what recently happened, and that is stated on the report, not a life story about who I am or trying to persuade people into taking your side on something that should be very objective. The FACTS are that I joined a villa game LATE talked to stabbinrabbit a bit, then when i got in game I clutched and mentioned that I used to be better at villa back in 09 then Kobe started a push to get me kicked, which was then followed up by a BAN by BILL for reason: back in 09.
I dont care about anything else that happened, I only care about what is displayed at the moment of the situation.

After that, the ABUSE part of the BAN is that it was unwarranted considering I said one phrase that could have been avoided using !ignore, and the ABUSE part about the KICKS is that they were excessive and were coerced, since the vote needed more people to kick me, you guys tried to convince the new players that I was a cheater, to which a new player replied, "9.76 rws, cheater?" and also called me out for trolling which I was not doing that game.

Look at it from the OBJECTIVE point of view of the case and not how you FEEL about the situation
bring me some popcorns
i think hes still trolling us, just on a new level
Its a shame that you guys aren't taking this seriously even though its a legitimate issue.
where are my popcorns?
I've reviewed all of SourceTV demos and I'm outraged. There is no conceivable justification for those votekicks. The votekicks did not stem from him trolling or griefing. At first, I assumed it was because he was playing badly (which isn't a valid reason either), but not even that explains the votekicks. He was kicked on de_villa and de_contra while mostly being silent except to make in-game calls. He was even following strats, which is a surprise for him tbh. The kick on de_inferno is even worse because it occurred directly as a response to him clutching the round. These kicks appear to have been driven by peer pressure and a desire to harass/bully him. I'm particularly disappointed because those involved are grown adults and many of them are admins in this community.

The justification I've heard from people is that "he's toxic in general" or "he's generally trolling." However, this too is not valid justification to votekick since he was not engaging in the alleged behavior at the time. I've issued bans on those involved and I'm considering stripping admin from people.
(Dec 11 2016, 07:05 AM)M. Bison Wrote: [ -> ]I've reviewed all of SourceTV demos and I'm outraged. There is no conceivable justification for those votekicks. The votekicks did not stem from him trolling or griefing. At first, I assumed it was because he was playing badly (which isn't a valid reason either), but not even that explains the votekicks. He was kicked on de_villa and de_contra while mostly being silent except to make in-game calls. He was even following strats, which is a surprise for him tbh. The kick on de_inferno is even worse because it occurred directly as a response to him clutching the round. These kicks appear to have been driven by peer pressure and a desire to harass/bully him. I'm particularly disappointed because those involved are grown adults and many of them are admins in this community.

The justification I've heard from people is that "he's toxic in general" or "he's generally trolling." However, this too is not valid justification to votekick since he was not engaging in the alleged behavior at the time. I've issued bans on those involved and I'm considering stripping admin from people.

Well said.
didnt need peer pressure

everyone kicked him for a reason

if this is votekick abuse you should need more kicks to kick someone

id do it all the same again

looks like the troll won again

edit: how did my ban get calculated to 4d? this is my first ban. just want to see the math on that one
Apparantly one day for every pug, which is ridiculous to begin with.
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