i baited a team mate on inferno because they're 2 asians playing w/ 200 ping running from site to site. and i said "idc bro" and then get kicked for it. "idc too" he said.
I'd like to say don't be a dick, kid.
Bison, your admins are reflecting poorly on your servers. What qualifications other than a high rws are needed to be a admin?
So many people dislike loopz on the server, wouldn't surprise me if he is up there with me.
Also being high rws is a pretty good thing for admin on a pug server, because lets give admin to the shitter who thinks everyone cheats would make sense. Also alot of the high rws players have been playing for a long time and have been in the community for a while. I agree some should no longer be admin though.
If an admin warns you, just take it as a warning and move on. He wasn't in the wrong, you were being unsportsmanlike. If he was being a dick, you're weren't any better.
Sure he could have handled it a bit better but I don't this this would be considered admin abuse.
There was no warning. I don't dislike him. I think he's small minded in his approach to being a admin. This happens from time to time when someone who has a monitor tan gets .kick privileges.
Jr, I just made a observation in regards to the high rws, linking people to being admins. It's a popularity contest.
Being liked or disliked is none of my business when it comes to being fair..when given the responsibility.
Some of those people haven't pugd since 2014 lol. I think its time to remove some admins maybe.
(Jan 06 2017, 07:27 PM)Juniorc4 Wrote: [ -> ]Some of those people haven't pugd since 2014 lol.
We run pub servers you know. A number of them use alt accounts too.

I don't want anyone to lose their admin. Honestly don't care who's a admin in a dead game, just a smaller group of dickriders. You know who you are.
Loopz is a gay boy.
Bison, don't dissect my statement to prove a fallacy. Adress my whole post. the choice of admin is chosen by a few people, whom I don't know, but are either bad judges of character, or pony riders. Either way, it's not like I got banned. I just wanted to point it out because I lost my spot, and had to rejoin a different pug.