drake662, do you want me to review your evidence or not? If you continue with being disrespectful in your replies I won't.
If you have nothing useful or evidence to post here, please don't make things messy.
Update: This is being discussed internally.
lol go ahead close the thread ive been nice against you all that negative things i said was all ment for him but i dont care becauz you guys never take action against him so like i said go ahead close this thread of this shitty kid we all wil be happy and you can have more time for your self maybe
greetings from Holland
maybe last thing he will never forget about me hope you get cancer and die in entrance of hospital >> loopZ
Alright. Once you're ready to be more mature, feel free to repost.
i see warLords losing all hes good old players i feel bad for ya guys
and all that b/c this trol kid loopZ lol grow up all of you