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Full Version: I'm sorry for cheating back in 2016
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Name : Ben

STEAMID : STEAM_0:0:100803984

I cheated back in 2016 and stopped playing after my ban.
I would love to comeback to PUGs cheat-free and have a good time.
Cheating bans don't get removed but wait for a root admin to see what they say.
(Feb 13 2017, 07:00 AM)QueenCrazy Wrote: [ -> ]Cheating bans don't get removed but wait for a root admin to see what they say.

Was hoping it would get removed because its almost been a year since I cheated.
Yeah, cheating bans do Not get removed. In order for you to play on our servers in the future, you will need to purchase a new copy of counter-strike, and post your new steam id on the forums, prior to joining the servers.
Where would I post the STEAMID?
(Feb 13 2017, 05:18 PM)l4d2player3 Wrote: [ -> ]Where would I post the STEAMID?

Yes, just post it here.
Would Family Shared accounts work?
Because I can't buy css again right now.
And the account that I bought from was banned a few days ago for spectating so I can't buy it again.
No, sorry, it needs to be your own account and your own purchase of css.
You might get lucky when the database gets purged once in every lifetime.

Based on your cheating history, it isn't in our best interest of unbanning you.