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Full Version: Cali Admin Abuse
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SO he (calisnipe) kicks me because my name is real*cali with no warning, no admin chat, notta all just to take my place in the pug. I come back in, tells me to change my name because it could result in a ban, I change my name. Then of course he bans me for 1 day, who gives a fuck about the 1day right? its more the situation and the logic of being an admin. but the best part is just the other day he changed his name to deadie and trolls. Its ok for admins to troll names but other players aren't entitled to change their names to what they want? Definitely could've handled it much better like a "mature" admin and human being. These are the reasons why players complain about admin abuse, doesn't mean much but it happens more often than not. But I know hes just going to get a slap on the wrist, just like when he permanently banned reckless all because he wanted to pick a map he wanted to play. GG Cali , youre bad at the game and bad at being an admin. LeL KeKekekekekek LoL LmaO REKT 1deag NERD!
(ALL) Classic*Cali*: change your name or you will be kicked.
*[PUG] Delux_247 is now ready.
Delux_247 : RR
*[CSS-PUG1-ADMIN] Drago x) has disconnected
*[PUG] rose is now ready.
rose : rr
HDZ : feels bad
*[PUG] MaCk is now ready.
MaCk : !r
*[PUG] Waiting On: cpl_,Real*Cali,HDZ,Haro,chronicle
*[PUG] Haro is now ready.
Haro : rr
*[PUG] chronicle is now ready.
chronicle : rr
Real*Cali : Im New. Can you teach me how to play?
*[PUG] Real*Cali is now ready.
*[PUG] Waiting On: cpl_,HDZ
*[PUG] HDZ is now ready.
HDZ : rr
*[PUG] Moving unready players in 45 seconds.
*[PUG] Waiting On: cpl_
(ALL) Classic*Cali*: last warning, change your name back from cali, or you'll be kicked.

following this you changed your name to cali's a bitch, was the ultimate reason after you not only rejoined as real*cali, and not listening, so the ban stands. thank you.
Daddy: youre a fkin bitch dude
Daddy: youre such a child homie
Daddy: i thought u was coo but youre a fkin baby
Daddy: pz nerd
Classic*Cali*: didnt even know who you were
Classic*Cali*: next time you should listen
Classic*Cali*: i dont keep up with people changing their names thats not my problem, if they're not listening, thats something im going to deal with
Daddy is now Offline.

Also had you of came at me a little bit more with respect via steam, i would have initially reduced your ban to 2-4hours. you came at me wrong there also.

Edit: For anyone that would like to review the match: https://servers.war-lords.net/pugs/54595/global - it was the last 7 rounds or so of the game.
(Mar 21 2017, 09:19 PM)SmiLeY5Star Wrote: [ -> ]SO he (calisnipe) kicks me because my name is real*cali with no warning, no admin chat, notta all just to take my place in the pug. I come back in, tells me to change my name because it could result in a ban, I change my name. Then of course he bans me for 1 day, who gives a fuck about the 1day right? its more the situation and the logic of being an admin. but the best part is just the other day he changed his name to deadie and trolls. Its ok for admins to troll names but other players aren't entitled to change their names to what they want? Definitely could've handled it much better like a "mature" admin and human being. These are the reasons why players complain about admin abuse, doesn't mean much but it happens more often than not. But I know hes just going to get a slap on the wrist, just like when he permanently banned reckless all because he wanted to pick a map he wanted to play. GG Cali , youre bad at the game and bad at being an admin. LeL KeKekekekekek LoL LmaO REKT 1deag NERD!

The admin in question warned you twice through "All" chat. You ignored him and changed your name to a name so that you can specifically piss off the admin. Why are you trolling?

As for the admin changing their name to deadie, as far as I know, deadie is also an admin and the two admins are friends. Neither have complaints about that so there is no punishment needing to be handed down.

This is not a case of admin abuse but thanks for the report!