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Full Version: Lagg Spikes
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Hi All,
Recently i am getting lot of lagg spikes while playing in the asian servers.
My latency is around 6-20 but ping goes from 20ms - 150ms multiple times in a single game .
Any help is highly appreciated.

Latency doesnt matter in this case, look at your ping...
Try the !route and check whether you still have lag spikes or not.
(Mar 24 2017, 04:39 PM)Drago Wrote: [ -> ]Latency doesnt matter in this case, look at your ping...
for the 5-6 months my ping used to be around 20 but since yesterday its fluctuating a lot.
Must be jitter
i experience the same issues. it will go crazy for like 5-10 minutes of jumping up to 500, chilling around 170 for a few mins, and then going back down to 14. shit's wild.
same issue
[Image: wen-yo-xbox-live-runs-out-full.jpg?image=cdn]