(Mar 28 2017, 01:56 AM)_nme Wrote: [ -> ]Listen,
We are all adults. Sometimes things can be said, and taken out of context. I've been using a computer since the AIM days, and I'm yet to comprehend e-sarcasm.
With that being said, everybody take a chill pill. Too many people talking shit to other people about people. I hope that makes sense, because it does to me. Anyways, I get having friends, and stuff like that, but if having a friend is the means to team up and talk shit about certain individuals, ya'll some else.
I am yet to remain permanently pissed off at someone, over a video game. That is the only interaction outside of this forum many of us have vs each other.
To conclude, just be respectful. That doesn't mean kiss ass, just be cordial. That's why I stay quiet most of the time in pugs these days. I realized that sometimes i made it a unfun pug for other people when talking so much shit, which i happen to be very good at..lol
edit: i speak 4 languages. and to this today i say some dumbass shit that would make sense in one language, but makes me sound dumb in the other. bilingual ppl understand.
I speak 6 languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Esperanto) and I never confuse them.
If you think I need friends to demolish someone then you clearly don't know who I am.
I don't get angry at other players for their play-style or their competency in-game, I am physically disgusted at the personality traits that are displayed all around me. People that constantly show disregard for their manners, literacy, conflicting opinions, or other details that are not meant to be ignored. I am especially disgusted at people who allow feelings to cloud their judgement when objectivity should be priority.
Character traits displayed here are atrocious.
(Mar 28 2017, 12:57 AM)RealRecklezz Wrote: [ -> ]I don't mind you having English as a second language, but to see you post without looking over possible mistakes, makes your posts seem thoughtlessly rushed. I don't take apologies kindly, samurai jack season 5 episode 3 had words that my father and grandfathers told me and have formed who I am. “The decisions you make and the actions that follow are a reflection of who you are. You cannot hide from yourself.” In order to truly mean what you write, you must not talk about it, you must show it through actions.
I would wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it.
You're a special kind of jackass. The kind that picks on others when he himself cannot even admit to his own atrocities. Your grammar mistakes are the pure definition of a hypocrite. Do not pick on others when you cannot even use the language you claim to know.
(Mar 28 2017, 12:57 AM)RealRecklezz Wrote: [ -> ]I dont take apologies kindly, samurai jack season 5 episode 3 had words that my father and grandfathers told me and have formed who I am.
Just a quick F.Y.I.
The above sentence should actually be 2 sentences separated by a period and not a comma. The noun "Samurai Jack" is not capitalized in your sentences either. Let's not forget the overuse of the word "and".
Perhaps you should correct the above mistakes in addition to the other mistakes already pointed out.
(Mar 27 2017, 08:22 PM)Drago Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, I'm Drago.
Everything started with my flame thread : https://war-lords.net/thread-16584.html and this turned to be a very bad thing.
As a result, I don't talk to Ben anymore...(maybe with kobe, sosa, 250 too but at least we don't have each other ignored)
Sincerely, Drago.
I'm not sure where you got the idea that we weren't on speaking terms anymore? As far as I know, there is no beef between us. I may have replied to you before using sarcastic tones or what not, but never with malicious intent. Even though I may not agree with all of your actions, you haven't personally done anything to anger/trigger me.
The only two people I have really had beef with on here are Jesse Watters & RealRecklezzz. Whatever happened between me and Jesse is for me, in the past, and I am willing to bury the hatchet since it was over such petty things, and I generally don't hold grudges, especially online. And I don't really think he's that bad of a guy, he's just different...
When things come to RealRecklezz though, that is a completely different chapter. I would rather not discuss the problems that I've with him, and if there was an ignore button for the forums I definitely would use it against him, as I don't want to spend precious time out of my day reading whatever comes out of that special mind of his.
(Mar 28 2017, 07:11 AM)Hamaerox Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 28 2017, 12:57 AM)RealRecklezz Wrote: [ -> ]I don't mind you having English as a second language, but to see you post without looking over possible mistakes, makes your posts seem thoughtlessly rushed. I don't take apologies kindly, samurai jack season 5 episode 3 had words that my father and grandfathers told me and have formed who I am. “The decisions you make and the actions that follow are a reflection of who you are. You cannot hide from yourself.” In order to truly mean what you write, you must not talk about it, you must show it through actions.
I would wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it.
You're a special kind of jackass. The kind that picks on others when he himself cannot even admit to his own atrocities. Your grammar mistakes are the pure definition of a hypocrite. Do not pick on others when you cannot even use the language you claim to know.
(Mar 28 2017, 12:57 AM)RealRecklezz Wrote: [ -> ]I dont take apologies kindly, samurai jack season 5 episode 3 had words that my father and grandfathers told me and have formed who I am.
Just a quick F.Y.I.
The above sentence should actually be 2 sentences separated by a period and not a comma. The noun "Samurai Jack" is not capitalized in your sentences either. Let's not forget the overuse of the word "and".
Perhaps you should correct the above mistakes in addition to the other mistakes already pointed out.
In order to allow your post to maintain its relevance, I will rewrite my message.
Despite the fact that English is your second language, your inability or unwillingness to review your posts gives off a stench of unprofessionalism. The show Samurai Jack (Specifically Season 5 Episode 3) has a quote from Jack's father that reminds me of important concepts that my father taught me when I was a child. The quote goes as follows, “The decisions you make and the actions that follow are a reflection of who you are. You cannot hide from yourself.” I think this quote is relevant here because I believe that one should show change through actions rather than words.
I would wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it.
Now that the message is finished, I would like to address something I thought might be relevant. I didn't major in English writing or literature but I remember a rule that explains that the use of the word "and" twice or more in one sentence can be forgiven only if the "and" was part of a Noun Clause. I don't remember the rule too well, but what I think I remember shows that the use of the word and in my previous sentence is acceptable. I could be wrong. I remind Drago to review his posts because I believe in upholding honor of position, which means that if he is in a position of authority it is best to make little to no mistakes. This, of course, excludes the common person (Including me).
P.S. "The kind that picks on others when he himself cannot even admit to his own atrocities." - I think this sentence might be wrong. I think its missing a clause or it might just sound awkward enough to require and edit (Of course, you dont need to). Also, there has never been any BS. These ideas are legitimately mine.
"The kind that picks on others when he himself cannot even admit to his own atrocities."
Sentence fragment
edit: i wasn't the first to post this :<
RealReckless you work as a teacher or what? Ohhh i forgot ur that 12 y/o kid that everyone dislikes.
by the way i pulled this up from an old post of calisnipe's-
Quote:drago - yes you've seen me post about him as well, and I myself was not directly in his head as to what he was thinking at the time when he does a ban. the point is, people do things that not everybody likes, but also not everybody knows the reasons for why people do the things they do.
i was no active on wL during the time of this post and do not know what the precise subject matter is of this, but am interested in getting the full details on this. because it looks like there are things and incidents that conveniently have been forgotten about drago.
he claims "everything started with my flame thread" but it looks like things started well before then
Seeing some next level trolling going on in here. Can't even tell what's real and what isn't....
(Mar 28 2017, 08:31 AM)sosa Wrote: [ -> ]Seeing some next level trolling going on in here. Can't even tell what's real and what isn't....
I agree. I think Drago knew that his post would incite conversation.