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(Mar 28 2017, 08:23 AM)Jesse_Watters Wrote: [ -> ]by the way i pulled this up from an old post of calisnipe's-
Quote:drago - yes you've seen me post about him as well, and I myself was not directly in his head as to what he was thinking at the time when he does a ban. the point is, people do things that not everybody likes, but also not everybody knows the reasons for why people do the things they do.

i was no active on wL during the time of this post and do not know what the precise subject matter is of this, but am interested in getting the full details on this. because it looks like there are things and incidents that conveniently have been forgotten about drago.

he claims "everything started with my flame thread" but it looks like things started well before then

People had always complained about his bans. I was not present during the accusations nor did I review them, but it was clear that there was something fishy.
Guys the topic of this thread is to forget what happened in the past and to get along with each other? Is that difficult?
I really like to be friend with everyone, but if this thread is not enough for you its ok. I see you guys think that im trying to lie or manipulate but no guys, im just trying to be nice. Thank you.

Have a nice day.
Its not word games i promise, but i dont reallt like realreckless post...a lot of irony in there. I really dislike that.
(Mar 28 2017, 09:06 AM)Drago Wrote: [ -> ]Guys the topic of this thread is to forget what happened in the past and to get along with each other? Is that difficult?

Good luck with that buddy. You've fallen into recklezz' troll trap, he will not stop until he gets the attention that he never received as a child.
by the way i found another post about drago:

Feb 07 2017, 01:35 AM (This post was last modified: Feb 08 2017, 08:42 AM by Hamaerox.) #1
This admin is totally power hungry, unjust, unfair, and has no patience. First of all after reading how many people complain of him everything makes sense now. He has no sense of humor and has no understanding that this is first and foremost a game where people come to have fun and occasionally "make" fun. There's no need to take CSS so damn serious and the month bans and punishment i've seen him pull is pretty pathetic to see he still has admin. I've held admin on many other servers and have played competitive in this game since it came out. To see some young punk ruining this for me and many others is pretty disappointing.

Today, as I have already posted on "ban appeals" I was banned for no reason by DRAGO thinking I killed a pug when my whole team quit and the game was over. I understand this was an accident but to not apologize once and act as if he did nothing wrong pisses me off. Then he has the audacity (look it up DRAGO) to join the central server I was playing on which he never plays in, again never apologizes for his mistakes earlier, and starts ranting how he's a player and an admin and all this BS so I said hes a shitty admin. All I wanted to say was that. I felt I had the right to make a statement and a fact about how I feel and there he goes abusing his power and bans me.

I ask the senior and root admins to please reconsider allowing this kind of power in the hands of a 16 year old tyranical child who has nothing better to do than scan your forums and servers for fun loving gamers to show his authority.

Literally all I said to this kid is hes a shitty admin. No cruel names, no unjust gang bang, no team flashes, no trolling. Just a mere factual statement. Where's JOKER cuz we need a TR@SHCAN for DRAGO! Sorry Bison this kids just got to go.
You can find as many posts as you like, cause everyone has the right to talk but all i wanted to say is that i changed everything in my behaviour and none of these thing that happened in that past will never happen again. I dont know why this is so hard for you to understand.

If you dont believe it now you will see everything from now on.

I hope we see each other in server and you will see the difference.


Good luck to everyone
(Mar 28 2017, 09:15 AM)Drago Wrote: [ -> ]Its not word games i promise, but i dont reallt like realreckless post...a lot of irony in there. I really dislike that.

There is no irony. I made suggestions to how you should behave in posts, given prior instances of unprofessionalism.
I'm all for a "fresh start", if you were/are honest.

"Everything started with my flame thread : https://war-lords.net/thread-16584.html and this turned to be a very bad thing.
As a result, I don't talk to Ben anymore...(maybe with kobe, sosa, 250 too but at least we don't have each other ignored)."

1. Everything didn't start on this thread, you started having some repercussions since that thread.

chronicle, https://war-lords.net/thread-16498.html , Feb 06 2017

sift ( 0 ) - Last updated Feb 01 2017, 08:50 PM, Negative (-1): stop abusing your admin, play the game

1.1 As you can clearly see on the flame thread, it wasn't even related to you at the start, you decided to blindly side with Deadie (with whom i had some e-troll-beef, way prior to the thread), but you guys didnt keep it to one thread, or didn't stop, so it went to a spiral of shit.

"I tried to talk to Ben but that didn't worked out, I sent him a PM but he never replied back."

2. You mean you acted all innocent and played the hippie card ? I did reply, you just didnt like what I typed (Jesse's abusive ban).

"Then out of nowhere, Jesse Watters joins a pug, and immediately !ignores me.
However,  a few days later he decides to unignore me and during that pug, he switched teams and I banned him for that. I turned out that it was my fault. OK, I accept it, maybe it was wrong, but however that's what it's written on the rules.
Since that day everything it's wrong between us.(not trying to play the victim as you claim)."

3. If Bison unbans him and agrees with what he did, its not a maybe. It should be I was wrong.

3.1 On the report/appeal thread, i simply pointed out occasions where team switching is fine, you ended spitting your venom as always (https://war-lords.net/thread-16612.html) :

"And please ben , i know u love ur friends, i get it, but please dont talk about things you dont really know.

Thank you!" (Unbanned 16 minutes later, btw)


"Then it is Sift, who I would say has the right to talk, because I was kicking him too much for not subbing in. Now I understand what I have done.
I want to apologize for that behavior, everything will be fine from now on."

4. Cool, i guess, thx for admitting it.

"However, I want to say one thing to these guys I mentioned before...

Guys, can we forget everything bad that happened to us and move on? Like a fresh start?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Sincerely, Drago."

5. If you apologize to everyone you admin abused on, chronicle, kuwa bunga, Jesse, Sift, Me + those i forget/dont know about, and retire from adminship.

I'd forgive.

ps. i noted you didn't even mention the episode on the season pug, where you abused your admin voice to trashtalk me in-game, bypassing the !ignore system. Or the perm ban made on kuwa bunga which was 100% BS (https://war-lords.net/thread-16576.html) Heart
I agree with Ben- 100%.

I want to mention that I have been very sincere these past couple of posts (except for ripping the beyblade post, which was removed by a mod). I want to say that what I say is almost never in an ironic sense. I mean what I say, unless its on the flame thread or its blatantly obvious that I am joking.
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