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(Jul 04 2017, 07:02 PM)calisnipe Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul 04 2017, 06:36 PM)Jesse_Watters Wrote: [ -> ]Thoughts on something like !profile [name of player on pug] to get linked to their steam account profile page?

Helpful for adding friends. At the moment adding friends on the fly during a pug requires a number of things to navigate. I believe the below is currently the fastest way to add friends on the fly (in game, live pug)

-Press keyboard combination for the Steam in-game overlay
-Click on your own profile picture on the top left of the friends window
-Hover over the tab with your name on the top horizontal nav bar
-Click on Friends from the drop down
-Click on Players on the new horizontal nav bar that appears on this webpage
-Click on person's profile you want to add and etc.

This could be simplified!

Stats the player click on steam then add friend is the fastest way

This method may work sometimes but the buggy behavior and watered-down ui which is constantly at the whim of the game (you must have noticed) discourages (at least) me from using it.

In a sense the issues with it are of a similar caliber to Drago's note of how the in-game steam players window thing is glitchy and shows few of all the people connected to the server.

Serving any number of webpages thru the message of the day box is quick and dirty. It is nice for stats and leaderboards but even then when using it for these two things you can see why it is inadequate for something like adding a person to your steam friends list.

For something like leaderboard/pug stats- where there is literally no better place to put it (as a sort of "shortcut") for easy access and quick checking, it makes sense. Emphasis on the quick checking part.

For something like adding a player on the server to your friends list, no bueno.

edit- i didn't finish the post before posting it, but i think it makes enough sense to stop where ever i was, looks like we got some complete thoughts getting across, never know with u guys tho...
.stats jessi
<clicks Steam>
<clicks Add Friend>
(Jul 05 2017, 03:57 AM)M. Bison Wrote: [ -> ].stats jessi
<clicks Steam>
<clicks Add Friend>

Best example for when this is not the case: Warmup & being spam killed by people warming up
.stats jessi
<clicks Steam>
<clicks Add Friend>
(Jul 05 2017, 10:45 PM)M. Bison Wrote: [ -> ].spec
.stats jessi
<clicks Steam>
<clicks Add Friend>

Oh please
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