Username : c2hl_cl0
My steam id: STEAM_0: 0: 961911650
My community id: 76561199884089028
I have played this game from the age of 14 years. And just found this server 3 months ago when getting messages using wallhack. I was very surprised because I never used wallhack. After that i bought 2 css. I redeemed my computer because it confused I could not join again and when I tried to css in my new computer still can not join.
The only thing I need is give me a chance to get back in allowing to play on warlords server all my friends here I can not play another server
I hope the admin on this server can to let me play here again
My great hope for the granted of my petition, I say many thanks.
You were banned by me last week. You headshot me through the mid door. Then I jumped into spectator saw you did that 3 times in a row at the a door. You tell me you were not walling? Lying is not going to help you get unbanned. Normally we allow players to get unbanned after purchasing a new copy of the game. But I wonder if the roots will allow that for you.
Hey I do not even use a wallhack, if you're in my place now maybe you will act the same as what I do, you also know the wood in css can be translucent right? I tried for it and just coincidentally, I played cs from the age of 14 and I was never banned, did shooting wooden doors then about the enemy was not allowed,
(Jun 10 2017, 03:01 AM)c2hl_cl0 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey I do not even use a wallhack, if you're in my place now maybe you will act the same as what I do, you also know the wood in css can be translucent right? I tried for it and just coincidentally, I played cs from the age of 14 and I was never banned, did shooting wooden doors then about the enemy was not allowed,
Oh really? Tell me about it. Normally people only spray at the doors. Yet you only aim at the enemies' heads though the doors. If that only happened twice I'd say they are lucky shots. But you managed to do that 4 times. Maybe you are too good at this game?
(Jun 09 2017, 12:53 PM)c2hl_cl0 Wrote: [ -> ]Username : c2hl_cl0
My steam id: STEAM_0: 0: 961911650
My community id: 76561199884089028
I have played this game from the age of 14 years. And just found this server 3 months ago when getting messages using wallhack. I was very surprised because I never used wallhack. After that i bought 2 css. I redeemed my computer because it confused I could not join again and when I tried to css in my new computer still can not join.
The only thing I need is give me a chance to get back in allowing to play on warlords server all my friends here I can not play another server
I hope the admin on this server can to let me play here again
My great hope for the granted of my petition, I say many thanks.
putting this to a different size only makes me yelling what you type, like with the CAPS on

I'm telling the truth like that, if you think the trick I use is on youtube about which parts there are usually enemies. I do not expect to touch my head at least reduce the blood of the enemy, if my application is rejected is okay I just hope to be able to join the warlords server, I know the policy of playing cs not using cheats way. But I do not like the cheat way,
Yes im don't speak english, i apologize about that
I reviewed the demo again. You were tracking the enemies behind the doors with your crosshair as if you could see them. Or you do be able to see them through the door.
I'm sorry but I have to deny your ban appeal.