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Full Version: Teamflash ban bot
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Seems reasonable.

What say ye?
teamflashing can be unintentional, idiot. might as well move this to flame or admire because i am just getting started
Interesting idea but I disagree with it since a lot of teamflashing can be on accident and we don't want innocent people banned for something they didn't mean to happen.
gud idea! i can get ppl that i dont like banned by jumping into their flashes
(Jun 27 2017, 08:07 AM)Angel Wrote: [ -> ]gud idea! i can get ppl that i dont like banned by jumping into their flashes
I love to flash you. *-*
We usually dont have lot to fill in Pugs and many new players will not know these...
This is will create UN-necessary chaos. I am against it.

We can have other punishment like
1. Health loss
2. Vote on the punishment from the flashed guy..He can give maximum slay next round
3. Freez

But ban is not supportive untill confirmed by players or admins.
(Jun 27 2017, 08:28 AM)painkiller 2 Wrote: [ -> ]We usually dont have lot to fill in Pugs and many new players will not know these...
This is will create UN-necessary chaos. I am against it.

We can have other punishment like
1. Health loss
2. Vote on the punishment from the flashed guy..He can give maximum slay next round
3. Freez

But ban is not supportive untill confirmed by players or admins.

Well, pug servers would turn into pub servers.
Just get an admin to ban lol

Also, adding them punishments as PK mentioned would just turn it into a pub server as drago said xDD

I myself, if you download any demo from my match history... i unintentionally flash teammates, but mostly myself Big Grin
I'm a disadvantage to myself at times lmfao, if that idea was implemented, i and other trash nade-ers will be getting banned day after day Smile
Public would be banned permanently lol
Anti-teamflash-bot seems like a good idea on paper, but a bot could hardly make the difference between an accidental teamflash (misclicked, misaimed) a colliding nades incident, a blocked while flashing type of incident, or an obvious teamflash.

What would be more simple = report to an admin or on forum with ticks (or # of round of said pug). With demo_timescale 9999 it takes a few minutes to review a demo !
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