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Full Version: Teamflashing,Trolling
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Pug: https://war-lords.net/pugs/57854/global
Player Warlord Profile: https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/397036104

Player Name: LuҲxy
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:198518052
SteamID64: 76561198357301832
Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198357301832

Afking with c4 since first round and keep teamflashing,blocking me whole game.
(Jun 30 2017, 08:48 AM)Cristlol Wrote: [ -> ]Pug: https://war-lords.net/pugs/57854/global
Player Warlord Profile: https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/397036104

Player Name: LuҲxy
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:198518052
SteamID64: 76561198357301832
Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198357301832

Afking with c4 since first round and keep teamflashing,blocking me whole game.

I will watch the demo now,thanks for reporting
I was there also, and I have no idea wtf this guy is doing.
'Afking' thou his mouse was clearing moving around for multiple rounds. Trolling on Rounds 1 & 3, hiding in a corner intentionally while teammates tried to complete objective.
TF-ing on Round 9, 11, 15 & especially 19 where he just sat there and let enemies run past him while they planted C4. Mic Spamming during second half & pretty much trolling and griefing for the duration of the game.
Player has been banned, Thanks for your report
well played duck Big Grin good shit ..
too ez to play Big Grin YABLOW