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It’s in the game
(Jul 07 2017, 03:17 AM)ChaoticFFA Wrote: [ -> ]Chaotic FFA Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:127008466

SWEG SNAIL Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:211683865

Hello i would like to request a unban for SWEG SNAIL and ChaoticFFA because my friend was on my account and used hacks on it. I changed the password and now he cannot sign in, could i please be unbanned i love your servers and i promise it will never happen again.

Console bans are not removed in general.
Wait for a root admin to respond.
lol read the the rules/guidelines about posting ban appeals too.
I'm unable to verify anyone other than you was playing. So this falls under "your account, your responsibility" and will be left banned. The alt account was also VAC banned...

To play here again, do one of the following:
A). setup a BRAND NEW steam account and buy CS:S
B). get your primary account to Steam level 40
C). donate $15 to wl