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Well fuck, I really want to defend him with everything I got.... but idk how I can with that. I mean there's no way that was a coincidence.

So many cheat accusations on me, from this kid. LOL!
(Jul 19 2017, 01:46 AM)vivixxcore Wrote: [ -> ]It really sucks for any team that might have had a win to change the tourny around. I dont think its there team in the final without his cheats.

you remmeber on that map when I jumped cat, and he shot me instantly? lmfao and u said gabe prefired me xD!
(Jul 18 2017, 11:25 PM)Juniorc4 Wrote: [ -> ]Player: Gabe

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:1697541

I can finally see why you get so mad at me gabe and think I cheat. You are even more of a shitty than me with cheats when I'm legit. Cccccccccccya
You can also watched the demo, he starts cheating hardcore at 30 minutes into it. Preaims every spot where the enemy is on A site. https://war-lords.net/pugs/58579

Thanks for the report, good job on getting this junior.
On our team's bo3 against Gabe, i was messaging Bison literally throughout all 3 maps saying this kid was cheating/prefiring and that an admin needed to watch him.. Ofc Bison let it slide and made excuses for each play, like he normally does.

Just dl'd the demo of our contra match. Within the first half there were soooo many instances where anybody with a brain could tell he was walling. Glad somebody finally posted something.
The problem with wallhack is that sometimes u cant tell if there is a wall lmao
Hold on... Does anyone remember the thread I made on Gabe almost a year ago? Really?
TBH to me there still isnt much proof here, admins need to thoroughly screen our matches before jumping the gun and banning. Gabe is my friend and of course ill have his back, but if there is legit cheating going on maybe we should start screening other players as well. Its sad that you guys are always picking on gabe and not all these other "legit" players. If hes cheating then ok, but i would like to see more "proof".
MAD BAD SAD my name is not CHAD, YES BABE u can CALL me DAD!
(Jul 19 2017, 09:08 PM)SmiLeY5Star Wrote: [ -> ]TBH to me there still isnt much proof here, admins need to thoroughly screen our matches before jumping the gun and banning. Gabe is my friend and of course ill have his back, but if there is legit cheating going on maybe we should start screening other players as well. Its sad that you guys are always picking on gabe and not all these other "legit" players. If hes cheating then ok, but i would like to see more "proof".

OHHH BOI, you want him to use a crazy aimbot to believe it? That shit is enough.
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