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Full Version: .exe cheating ( Tournament Match GOW vs HardCorps )
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Player name : .exe
Maps : De_cache

Link of match : https://war-lords.net/pugs/56857

Round(s) :

5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18


Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
He is already banned.
His alternate account is banned as well
if he buy new css ? can exe play ?
Technically yes, if roots decide so.

In my opinion, i would not let some cheating on Pug's and even on tournaments.That's a bit too much. However, roots decide.
If its proved he hacked in tournament and again day before yesterday.. so shows no remorse...
I feel no need for removing bans on any a/c. One instance is fine, but multiple proves otherwise...

But its all on root admins.
(Jul 23 2017, 02:43 PM)painkiller 2 Wrote: [ -> ]If its proved he hacked in tournament and again day before yesterday.. so shows no remorse...
I feel no need for removing bans on any a/c. One instance is fine, but multiple proves otherwise...

But its all on root admins.
Hey mr pk I see ur trying to get in some involvement there! Gjdm!

Watch this video  if any doubts

Thanks to mayong for catching  such cheaters
His accounts will remain banned for now.