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kept following/blocking me like a puto.
STEAM_0:1:87214657 - sup

trolling bomb in 2v1 situations and refusing to plant
(Aug 17 2017, 01:26 AM)Jesse_Watters Wrote: [ -> ]Proof?

they're staring each other sewer mill .. ez kill for me Big Grin
(Aug 17 2017, 02:51 AM)luxuriant Wrote: [ -> ]they're staring each other sewer mill .. ez kill for me Big Grin

the crazy things kids do in this game to ruin somebodies fun. although, i don't see why anybody would make a false report about shit like this.

i'm not asking for ban, just simply reporting the shenanigans that occur DAILY on these servers.
Everything "scape" did is unintentional. (following you 1 round on sewers and blocking you on sa2 box)

About "sup" you guys never told him he had the bomb until the moment he got killed. Maybe he forgot he had it. (he is a human too)