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Full Version: Admin Application: lin3ar
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Name: lin3ar | Pz.D
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38596513
Age: 17
Random Fact: I am an average 17 year old male who has a liking towards political and philosophical discussions and is always up for a good debate. I enjoy reading novels as a pastime, playing the piano, used to be fairly good at tennis, and obviously, play video games a lot.
Reason for admin application: There are quite a lot of hackers, mic spammers, excessively rude players, voteban abusers, etc. on the server. The current admins can't always be there to take care of a situation and demoing every instance would be extremely painstaking. If I am admin, I'll be able to deal with situations easier and quicker and keep the servers cleaner, something that I have already been trying to do with all the hacker reports.

Proof of 72 hours of gaming time on War-Lords servers (Split between War-Lords #1 Popular Maps and War-Lords #10 Dust2 24/7):
http://wls.gameme.com/playerinfo/133994 (26 hours)
http://wls.gameme.com/playerinfo/141606 (49 hours)

Proof of admin in another community (I am a veteran admin in the Spawnpoint gaming community):
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/86 ... proof.jpg/ (Proof of admin)
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/81 ... roof2.jpg/ (Proof of hackers and abusive players that I have banned as admin and a non-admin, the list stretches beyond a page.)
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/24 ... roof3.jpg/ (Proof of first admin application on a Spawnpoint server accepted in 2009)
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/22 ... roof4.jpg/ (Proof of admin application on another Spawnpoint server accepted in 2010)
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15 ... roof5.jpg/ (Proof of my admin status, as well as my apologies for having my old Steam ID VAC banned)
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84 ... roof6.jpg/ (Proof of my reinstating as admin, as well as being a trusted member of the community)
Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and respond as soon as possible.

You have been made an admin.

Please read the  War-Lords Administrators' Handbook before you execute any admin commands on our servers.