Update concerning the fragmovie : ive received only a very few demos or frags on the thread/private message.
I was willing to review some demos of old inactive good players .... but at this rate ill have to do it for everyone which would be very time consuming for a game i aint playing much anymore.
Ill wait an other week to see if people are sending me more stuff, if i dont get at least 50% of the footage that way, i guess it gonna show the interest people got in those kind of things nowadays and ill just "pull the plug out".
Have a good 1 people
I can dig through some of my games and get you some good clips bruv.
i want a funny moment movie
ive received a few more demos / shots. So i decided to dload a certain amount of demos of a list of players i made to complete it.
Im only looking up the last 100 pugs played for each player.
For a demo to be "worth" downloading it needs to have, either one 1vs5, one 1vs4, or two aces, or lots of 4k's (if not having the rest).
Here is the list of players i already downloaded a few demos following what was previously mentionned.
x billnose
x ghoul
x loopz
X juniorc4
X netex
X Ben-
X Nazaar
x Bubbles
x Keys
x griz
x Black Blood
x beahbreahb
x Taylor Swift
x Kobe
x taraN
x Helmut
x Devious
x Impulse
x SirSnipey
x ckap
x shotguNs
x Phoenix
x Riser
x carb
x NB2
x LeFty!
x Muffinman
x henson
x Mayong
x Marcos Silva
x aleks
x 250
x J.Benn
x Shake Weights Makes You Bigger
x StolenBread
Here is the rest of the list of players i will go through tomorrow, if you want to be added to this list just post on this thread before 5:00 pm east tomorrow
Legend of the Megawookie
Dark Matter
Depending if im getting enough demos from that methodology or not, i might also look up the top most ridiculous pug contest thread (
https://war-lords.net/forum/thread-16783.html) to get some footage, even if most of these are older demo's.
Have a good time everyone
you should include some of us shitties getting lucky for the B reel
If I stop being lazy then I will look and see if I have anything that's good
but I'm not sure what will be good enough for you :p
Update #2
Im more then halfway through the 200 demos ish i downloaded for this fragmovie in particular, im aiming to be done with fraghunting in the next 5 days (10-15 demos to review a day).
Recording and Editing will go a lot faster (i hope
), finding frags was honestly a lot longer then i thought (ill make a thread at some point for people who wants to save time on demo reviewing).
I also downloaded extra demos from certain players, i might be interested in doing individual small clips of. (Players like bill, ghoul, griz, juniorc4, netex, kobe, loopz, etc.)
Have a great day !
Can we get a helmut rage video too? I bet that would be comedy gold.