I played a pug against muffinman and he banned me for aimbot (1 day) when he was playing on the enemy team with no proof, nothing. Literally just banned me for playing decent.
(May 27 2018, 07:47 PM)aso Wrote: [ -> ]I played a pug against muffinman and he banned me for aimbot (1 day) when he was playing on the enemy team with no proof, nothing. Literally just banned me for playing decent.
Yeah it says 1 day, but thats probably due to him playing at the same time, it will be extended to perm once hes done playing because its the only ban length for aim bots and cheats in general.
Please wait for him to comment on the appeal, and a root to review the ban.
Have a great time
I've reviewed the demo, and a root admin can do the same. I am still inconclusive and on the fence about his shots. From round one he starts bhopping and shooting individuals when he lands. I do not see snaps nor do I see visible cheats but it is unlikely for an individual to do what he did. That being said, I am no cheating expert but I stand by my decision. You can hear both teams, on voice chat, side with the fact that he was cheating. Nonetheless, I am extremely sorry if I made the wrong call but I'd like other individual's takes on this one.
(May 27 2018, 07:47 PM)aso Wrote: [ -> ]I played a pug against muffinman and he banned me for aimbot (1 day) when he was playing on the enemy team with no proof, nothing. Literally just banned me for playing decent.
Im still waiting for my appeal to be reviewed (if it will ever be), but from my experience the players/admins do call hacks a lot but seem to not instantly act on it.
(May 27 2018, 08:42 PM)Muffinman Wrote: [ -> ]I've reviewed the demo, and a root admin can do the same. I am still inconclusive and on the fence about his shots. From round one he starts bhopping and shooting individuals when he lands. I do not see snaps nor do I see visible cheats but it is unlikely for an individual to do what he did. That being said, I am no cheating expert but I stand by my decision. You can hear both teams, on voice chat, side with the fact that he was cheating. Nonetheless, I am extremely sorry if I made the wrong call but I'd like other individual's takes on this one.
I will try to watch the demo once i am back from work
(May 27 2018, 08:42 PM)Muffinman Wrote: [ -> ]I've reviewed the demo, and a root admin can do the same. I am still inconclusive and on the fence about his shots. From round one he starts bhopping and shooting individuals when he lands. I do not see snaps nor do I see visible cheats but it is unlikely for an individual to do what he did. That being said, I am no cheating expert but I stand by my decision. You can hear both teams, on voice chat, side with the fact that he was cheating. Nonetheless, I am extremely sorry if I made the wrong call but I'd like other individual's takes on this one.
Nobody on my team was saying I was cheating until you banned me lol, I read chat logs & watched the demo. Nothing I did was suspicious, your bud helmut thought I was cheating for prefiring him once when it was obvious he was going to be there.
Inferno, someone awping B peeking banana. Two places they can go after, CT or go bools and watch banana from there. Your friend acts like I prefired multiple times when I only did once lol. Rewatch the demo big guy, I don't cheat and I've been on this server forever off and on playing. Your friend also acted like my stats were from literally that week; I play ~3 times a month probably less(?), only time I play is when bison invites me or I feel like hopping on. Anyways look at recent wins or games I do decent, I go off and on. I'm not a consistent player and I know that, this was just a good game of mine and you made a stupid decision that really annoys me. I was having fun and you boys just ruined it with your power, not trying to be rude or anything but that was just ridiculous. You have no evidence nothing, literally just cause you felt like banning me essentially, I would've been a lot more okay with this if you specced and watched me then came to the decision.
rule #1: you throw when there's an admin on the opposing team
Just watched the demo myself. First kill on me @ banana looked like it snapped to my head.
The ace at banana i'd expect maybe from ghoul or lefty... Not from somebody who averages 9.5 rws.
I'll let the root admin decide this one and I'll stand by whatever decision they make.
(May 28 2018, 04:42 PM)helmut^ Wrote: [ -> ]Just watched the demo myself. First kill on me @ banana looked like it snapped to my head.
The ace at banana i'd expect maybe from ghoul or lefty... Not from somebody who averages 9.5 rws.
I'll let the root admin decide this one and I'll stand by whatever decision they make.
what are the odds someone gets an ace and starts 10-1 after not having a game with 2KDR in the last year?