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Was banned just now while playing in "war-lords.net #2: Full Rotation (gameME Stats) [v61]"
I was something like 25-4 so I'm assuming it was because they thought I was cheating since I wasn't using my mic or typing anything rude.  I'm not a cheater.

http://www.legit-proof.com/search/?meth ... 3A21999673

I was a starter for a cevo-MAIN team, and I'm currently a starter for an ESEA-Main team - meaning I play my league matches on the game's best anti-cheat client. http://www.esportsea.com/teams/35868

I'd LOVE to see any evidence against me because I assure you I did nothing wrong.
Admins are required to record a demo, of the suspected person that is hacking... I'm sure the person who banned you, will chime in shortly.

I banned you for suspected walls. There could be more. Needless to say fellow admins just because people are cevo or esea doesnt mean that they dont cheat on our servers, just thought i'd point that out. Also Mr. 6'8 guy who takes karate if we ever meet i will own u with my real life aimbot.
You banned me over that? Are you kidding me?  You're taking advice from the other noobs in that server that have never done anything in CS:S.  My screen was shaking?  That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, especially in pub servers.  You're banning me because you suspected that I cheat, not because I do.  When I jumped down out of APT's looking down at the box, you said "Walls".  Did you not see every other round where I jumped down there too?  It's a pub, and baddies like the ones that were in there always play in the same spots.  When I had 2 kills in Bedroom, that hallway is the meeting spot and I almost always walk that, anticipating the push.  I got the push, and where there is 1, there is usually many.  I get 2 kills and then Rice and Chicken was crouching in a typical noob-spot where most baddies in pubs usually play. 
I saw u in a match I think either yesterday or 2 days ago and it was obvious you were walling. I'm not exactly the greatest player on the server, but I've been around for a while and I know when I see a waller and when I see someone legit. I think we were playing Militia and you were following people through the front of the house with your gun and then you would shoot them as they came out of the door. Now your counterclaim would be that you could hear them but in reality, it was too far away to truly hear the footsteps clearly.
Post proof or gtfo? 
Media after reviewing your demo I have decided it to be inconclusive and unbanned him. I think you should go back and re-watch it.

The first time you accuse him for that guy hiding in the corner, you will see later on that he also checks it when there is no one there. He also completely misses the guys running through the door causing him to die while he was firing on the person in the corner. A wall hacker would see this and not go for that guy in the corner at all.

The guy that was hiding in the crates after he jumps through the window is always a spot I check too after going through the window. After looking through the window to make sure no one is there, any good player checks there to make sure you don't get shot in the back.

When he ran to spawn to kill that player it could of just been pure luck.

Also when you ban him, his team mate saw him on the radar. There is only so many places the person can go from there.

I saw nothing that showed he wall hacked for certain, like him going straight to someone hiding in a spot that you would normally not check.

I shall let the other admins review it for now and tell me what they think, but he is unbanned until then.
Matt Wrote:Media after reviewing your demo I have decided it to be inconclusive and unbanned him. I think you should go back and re-watch it.

The first time you accuse him for that guy hiding in the corner, you will see later on that he also checks it when there is no one there. He also completely misses the guys running through the door causing him to die while he was firing on the person in the corner. A wall hacker would see this and not go for that guy in the corner at all.

The guy that was hiding in the crates after he jumps through the window is always a spot I check too after going through the window. After looking through the window to make sure no one is there, any good player checks there to make sure you don't get shot in the back.

When he ran to spawn to kill that player it could of just been pure luck.

Also when you ban him, his team mate saw him on the radar. There is only so many places the person can go from there.

I saw nothing that showed he wall hacked for certain, like him going straight to someone hiding in a spot that you would normally not check.

I shall let the other admins review it for now and tell me what they think, but he is unbanned until then.

Это зря... теперь он знает что есть администраторы и будет придельно осторожен

Like Matt, I didn't see any evidence of wallhacking either.
Я ничего не имею быть осторожным
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