humble, friendly, team gamer
I know him always helpful gaming.true gaming personality may also lead for good admin
so i support for his being admin
Friendly guy, Toxic(when team mate never sticks with the plan) but less talkative, good game sense with good knowledge to find an hacker/cheater . I have seen him for years in this server. Really helpful to maintain the standards of the servers (Both in Pub and Pug, as this one of the best server where actions are taken immediately on cheaters and troller ) as I see many troller in game so many serious gamers lose the match because of them(Even I have experienced it).
One of the reason why I'm writing this is, these days I find only few admins and that too not all time. So it would be great if u add more to your shelf so people from other servers too will join here as there are active admins so there wont be any hackers.
Very friendly and excellent sniper skills, trustworthiness, and loyalty run in the blood. A very right candidate for Admin. Knows and abides by the rules. A leader is defined by his teammates, caring, and motivating. Excellent game sense, very amicable and prudent. Effective in implementing strategies and need I say anything more for a gamer with an RWS of 16+. I nominate for Mayong.
Good guy, fun to play with and has knowledge of the game. Plus he is always chill and supportive which should be a main quality in an admin.
Thumbs up. Friendly and good player who is patient towards newer players. Good at spotting cheaters too.
pretty decent guy at best

gl on admin
Drunk Tea here, let em have it.
Congratulations Mayong
Your application is approved.Please check your DM for additional information.
Welcome to the team