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(Aug 08 2023, 07:05 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 04:37 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 11:48 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 10:23 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 10:15 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]Guys I honestly swear other people play like that!!!!
"They do not play as a carbon copy of me, therefore they are cheating, I swear!"
I never said they had to play like me if you go back and read what I said I gave my opinion on it without trying to insult them and even stated that I would watch their demos here and as well go watch some that are not listed. You have took it upon yourself to white knight and yes I doubt anything you have to say "I have a hard copy" like I give a fuck clearly that hard copy didn't bestow the powers to simply understand how to play the game into your brain as you have yet to show you have any understanding of how the game works through playing it. Let's get something understood though to some extent players that understand the game are going to play somewhat similar in the way they play in situations. It doesn't take a lot of sense to understand how to play certain things or where they should be looking at in the situation they are in. I did say they had a inhuman reaction there and it is very weird considering they are shooting the last 2 people on site and flick over very what seems to be it locking on to something and then proceed to flick right back to site and start shooting the people. If you watch the demos the game sense and the way they play is very mediocre to the way they shoot and aim at people. The clips that I have seen from them have all been this very weird flick that happens at times. I think you should watch the demos yourself before automatically assuming the word of someone over the internet just because they say they aren't cheating/ or you assume they arent because you have known them.
I did watch the demos, and all I saw was just lucky reflexes. Again, high sensitivity can lead to snappy movements which, again, resembles aimlocking. Why do you think all of these flashy esports highlights from players at high levels LOOK like that?. Stop grasping at straws, it literally does you no good.

Seriously. Not a hard concept to process: it's not an aimbot. It's not even silent-aim.
This clip: Tries to take an aim duel against two people; one retreats to cover while the other strands themself and commits to jumping, guaranteeing they will die to the spam. There's nothing inhuman about the movement here, it does indeed have the level of human error that comes with trying to correct for a moving target.

This clip: Unfortunate position to find yourself in, crosshair was lined up where the enemy happened to be. Hard to fully judge what we're seeing for that second kill because this is from the server's perspective and doesn't account for what the player was seeing on their screen the moment it happened. Initial flick misses, correction gets them. Slowing it down, there is no unnatural path the crosshair takes, and the ammount of correction I saw is pretty normal for someone with high sensitivity. 


This clip: That's more on you for not checking the corner they were in. Peekers advantage would mean you naturally would scope this kill, but it looks like you just turn and then go about your business as if you didn't see anything. Either not used to the map you're on, or you just had a bout of human error yourself. There is nothing in this clip that indicates aimbot, you did kind of just walk in to the crosshair. (please keep in mind if it isn't you specifically as the player getting killed, know that I understand that; I'm just using "you" to make the second person perspective easier to understand.)

Game sense and aim can be something you have either one or the other. Just because both aren't present in the exact same capacity does not mean someone is cheating.
Let’s look at this at the standpoint of moru playing the game. She claims her sensitivity is : 1200 dpi and 4.1 sensitivity. Yes you can see  some very weird flicks with this but explain with this sensitivity being to the fucking moon how she consistently tracks people at the perfect spray as well as when peeking people or doing things she makes almost zero adjustment when doing so most people would look in the general direction of the player shooting at them or they hear and adjust as they see them. Watching the demos she barely does this and just automatically goes to players most the time and the season clip she adjust to perfect headshot level and with the 4.1 sens and 1200 dpi perfectly tracks the second guy leading down to site. I can understand hitting some of those “flicks” with a sens you “might be used to” but with that high of sensitivity even in a situation you get scared by a player peeking you from the side or out of nowhere you would think to see her flick that mouse flying off the screen. To play with this sens you really have to barely move your mouse across the mousepad to the point that I can do fucking 400 360s before making it to the end of my mousepad. The way they strafe and aim compared to the sensitivity just does not add up at fucking all. There is no fucking way she consistently tracks players with that sensitivity and never fails to do so. I’d also like to point out that when peeking players there is this very weird thing she does where she runs out shooting them before even realizing they are there and she does this a lot.
It's worth keeping in mind that when YOU use the sensitivity and settings, YOU are not the person you are trying to mimic. You don't have any idea how they are moving the mouse. Keep in mind at the same time that CS:S is very forgiving with things like movement inaccuracy, and spread in general is a lot tighter, so as long as you're able to track for the very slim amount of time needed to kill in this game, then you're perfectly fine.

Being mindful that lower sensitivity means you are forced to use your arm more, while the faster your sensitivity, you will need to compensate a lot more with your wrist for precise motions. It is, and pause for just a moment, entirely PLAUSIBLE, that someone just has naturally excellent motor reflexes particularly in their wrist. In order for you to utilize the sensitivity the same way, you would have to condition yourself and get used to it.

Most of the issues you have can be explained by: Source is more forgiving. Don't pretend like it's not and that that is also not the reason why these "impossible movements" actually happened. The whole "automatically going to players" thing is again, just reflex. If you train yourself to react, as well as just having naturally good motor reflexes, you will be extremely snappy. It should be worth noting that as I have watched them play full games from start to finish, I have noticed their aim is not nearly as perfect as you're letting on. They are plenty inconsistent in certain scenarios, and are usually outplayed with better positioning. (source: someone who has both played against them and watched them play).

Also that weird thing you mentioned? That's pre-firing. That's a literal technique everyone does to retain an advantage in a game largely about holding positions. Most of the time pre-firing can be countered by either being better at aiming than said player, or catching them at an off-angle.
(Aug 08 2023, 07:05 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 04:37 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 11:48 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 10:23 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 10:15 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]Guys I honestly swear other people play like that!!!!
"They do not play as a carbon copy of me, therefore they are cheating, I swear!"
I never said they had to play like me if you go back and read what I said I gave my opinion on it without trying to insult them and even stated that I would watch their demos here and as well go watch some that are not listed. You have took it upon yourself to white knight and yes I doubt anything you have to say "I have a hard copy" like I give a fuck clearly that hard copy didn't bestow the powers to simply understand how to play the game into your brain as you have yet to show you have any understanding of how the game works through playing it. Let's get something understood though to some extent players that understand the game are going to play somewhat similar in the way they play in situations. It doesn't take a lot of sense to understand how to play certain things or where they should be looking at in the situation they are in. I did say they had a inhuman reaction there and it is very weird considering they are shooting the last 2 people on site and flick over very what seems to be it locking on to something and then proceed to flick right back to site and start shooting the people. If you watch the demos the game sense and the way they play is very mediocre to the way they shoot and aim at people. The clips that I have seen from them have all been this very weird flick that happens at times. I think you should watch the demos yourself before automatically assuming the word of someone over the internet just because they say they aren't cheating/ or you assume they arent because you have known them.
I did watch the demos, and all I saw was just lucky reflexes. Again, high sensitivity can lead to snappy movements which, again, resembles aimlocking. Why do you think all of these flashy esports highlights from players at high levels LOOK like that?. Stop grasping at straws, it literally does you no good.

Seriously. Not a hard concept to process: it's not an aimbot. It's not even silent-aim.
This clip: Tries to take an aim duel against two people; one retreats to cover while the other strands themself and commits to jumping, guaranteeing they will die to the spam. There's nothing inhuman about the movement here, it does indeed have the level of human error that comes with trying to correct for a moving target.

This clip: Unfortunate position to find yourself in, crosshair was lined up where the enemy happened to be. Hard to fully judge what we're seeing for that second kill because this is from the server's perspective and doesn't account for what the player was seeing on their screen the moment it happened. Initial flick misses, correction gets them. Slowing it down, there is no unnatural path the crosshair takes, and the ammount of correction I saw is pretty normal for someone with high sensitivity. 


This clip: That's more on you for not checking the corner they were in. Peekers advantage would mean you naturally would scope this kill, but it looks like you just turn and then go about your business as if you didn't see anything. Either not used to the map you're on, or you just had a bout of human error yourself. There is nothing in this clip that indicates aimbot, you did kind of just walk in to the crosshair. (please keep in mind if it isn't you specifically as the player getting killed, know that I understand that; I'm just using "you" to make the second person perspective easier to understand.)

Game sense and aim can be something you have either one or the other. Just because both aren't present in the exact same capacity does not mean someone is cheating.
Let’s look at this at the standpoint of moru playing the game. She claims her sensitivity is : 1200 dpi and 4.1 sensitivity. Yes you can see  some very weird flicks with this but explain with this sensitivity being to the fucking moon how she consistently tracks people at the perfect spray as well as when peeking people or doing things she makes almost zero adjustment when doing so most people would look in the general direction of the player shooting at them or they hear and adjust as they see them. Watching the demos she barely does this and just automatically goes to players most the time and the season clip she adjust to perfect headshot level and with the 4.1 sens and 1200 dpi perfectly tracks the second guy leading down to site. I can understand hitting some of those “flicks” with a sens you “might be used to” but with that high of sensitivity even in a situation you get scared by a player peeking you from the side or out of nowhere you would think to see her flick that mouse flying off the screen. To play with this sens you really have to barely move your mouse across the mousepad to the point that I can do fucking 400 360s before making it to the end of my mousepad. The way they strafe and aim compared to the sensitivity just does not add up at fucking all. There is no fucking way she consistently tracks players with that sensitivity and never fails to do so. I’d also like to point out that when peeking players there is this very weird thing she does where she runs out shooting them before even realizing they are there and she does this a lot.

Maybe its just ive played like that for yrs; is it really so impossible i could just have pretty good aim and horrible positioning? lmao my spacebar also a lil messed up too atm so i dont bhop all that much or move places quick cause i dont really like doing it w/ scroll; I mean most my time in CS:S i just spent on GG Turbo and on 24/7 office, never really touching most of the map pool, so it would be understandable my CHP is bad. Its not like i can go and boot yprac for source (if that is a thing that'd be cool), plus like ppl can get time to damage as low as like 350/400ms on leetify reviews before i have seen so its really not all that impossible to be quick and thats time to damage not even reaction time; plus idek if i killed anyone in that smoke spray after i shot for that awp, truly i do not cheat.
Record a (full) game or two with a hand cam.

Thank you, thank you. Please, hold your applause.
I'll be taking my leave now.
(Aug 08 2023, 07:31 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 07:05 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 04:37 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 11:48 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 10:23 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]"They do not play as a carbon copy of me, therefore they are cheating, I swear!"
I never said they had to play like me if you go back and read what I said I gave my opinion on it without trying to insult them and even stated that I would watch their demos here and as well go watch some that are not listed. You have took it upon yourself to white knight and yes I doubt anything you have to say "I have a hard copy" like I give a fuck clearly that hard copy didn't bestow the powers to simply understand how to play the game into your brain as you have yet to show you have any understanding of how the game works through playing it. Let's get something understood though to some extent players that understand the game are going to play somewhat similar in the way they play in situations. It doesn't take a lot of sense to understand how to play certain things or where they should be looking at in the situation they are in. I did say they had a inhuman reaction there and it is very weird considering they are shooting the last 2 people on site and flick over very what seems to be it locking on to something and then proceed to flick right back to site and start shooting the people. If you watch the demos the game sense and the way they play is very mediocre to the way they shoot and aim at people. The clips that I have seen from them have all been this very weird flick that happens at times. I think you should watch the demos yourself before automatically assuming the word of someone over the internet just because they say they aren't cheating/ or you assume they arent because you have known them.
I did watch the demos, and all I saw was just lucky reflexes. Again, high sensitivity can lead to snappy movements which, again, resembles aimlocking. Why do you think all of these flashy esports highlights from players at high levels LOOK like that?. Stop grasping at straws, it literally does you no good.

Seriously. Not a hard concept to process: it's not an aimbot. It's not even silent-aim.
This clip: Tries to take an aim duel against two people; one retreats to cover while the other strands themself and commits to jumping, guaranteeing they will die to the spam. There's nothing inhuman about the movement here, it does indeed have the level of human error that comes with trying to correct for a moving target.

This clip: Unfortunate position to find yourself in, crosshair was lined up where the enemy happened to be. Hard to fully judge what we're seeing for that second kill because this is from the server's perspective and doesn't account for what the player was seeing on their screen the moment it happened. Initial flick misses, correction gets them. Slowing it down, there is no unnatural path the crosshair takes, and the ammount of correction I saw is pretty normal for someone with high sensitivity. 


This clip: That's more on you for not checking the corner they were in. Peekers advantage would mean you naturally would scope this kill, but it looks like you just turn and then go about your business as if you didn't see anything. Either not used to the map you're on, or you just had a bout of human error yourself. There is nothing in this clip that indicates aimbot, you did kind of just walk in to the crosshair. (please keep in mind if it isn't you specifically as the player getting killed, know that I understand that; I'm just using "you" to make the second person perspective easier to understand.)

Game sense and aim can be something you have either one or the other. Just because both aren't present in the exact same capacity does not mean someone is cheating.
Let’s look at this at the standpoint of moru playing the game. She claims her sensitivity is : 1200 dpi and 4.1 sensitivity. Yes you can see  some very weird flicks with this but explain with this sensitivity being to the fucking moon how she consistently tracks people at the perfect spray as well as when peeking people or doing things she makes almost zero adjustment when doing so most people would look in the general direction of the player shooting at them or they hear and adjust as they see them. Watching the demos she barely does this and just automatically goes to players most the time and the season clip she adjust to perfect headshot level and with the 4.1 sens and 1200 dpi perfectly tracks the second guy leading down to site. I can understand hitting some of those “flicks” with a sens you “might be used to” but with that high of sensitivity even in a situation you get scared by a player peeking you from the side or out of nowhere you would think to see her flick that mouse flying off the screen. To play with this sens you really have to barely move your mouse across the mousepad to the point that I can do fucking 400 360s before making it to the end of my mousepad. The way they strafe and aim compared to the sensitivity just does not add up at fucking all. There is no fucking way she consistently tracks players with that sensitivity and never fails to do so. I’d also like to point out that when peeking players there is this very weird thing she does where she runs out shooting them before even realizing they are there and she does this a lot.
It's worth keeping in mind that when YOU use the sensitivity and settings, YOU are not the person you are trying to mimic. You don't have any idea how they are moving the mouse. Keep in mind at the same time that CS:S is very forgiving with things like movement inaccuracy, and spread in general is a lot tighter, so as long as you're able to track for the very slim amount of time needed to kill in this game, then you're perfectly fine.

Being mindful that lower sensitivity means you are forced to use your arm more, while the faster your sensitivity, you will need to compensate a lot more with your wrist for precise motions. It is, and pause for just a moment, entirely PLAUSIBLE, that someone just has naturally excellent motor reflexes particularly in their wrist. In order for you to utilize the sensitivity the same way, you would have to condition yourself and get used to it.

Most of the issues you have can be explained by: Source is more forgiving. Don't pretend like it's not and that that is also not the reason why these "impossible movements" actually happened. The whole "automatically going to players" thing is again, just reflex. If you train yourself to react, as well as just having naturally good motor reflexes, you will be extremely snappy. It should be worth noting that as I have watched them play full games from start to finish, I have noticed their aim is not nearly as perfect as you're letting on. They are plenty inconsistent in certain scenarios, and are usually outplayed with better positioning. (source: someone who has both played against them and watched them play).

Also that weird thing you mentioned? That's pre-firing. That's a literal technique everyone does to retain an advantage in a game largely about holding positions. Most of the time pre-firing can be countered by either being better at aiming than said player, or catching them at an off-angle.

I’ve put my two cents in your argument seem to just repeat the same things as I try and explain stuff from the pov I see thanks for explaining the definition of prefiring through my 5k hours didn’t know what it was. The prefiring she does is on people she hasn’t seen and are shift walking and she shoots the walls then goes around the corner to shoot them if had watched the demo you would of probably seen this a few times. It’s really weird that she tries to prefire them through the wall before swinging in a place she doesn’t know they are. I think it’s better i stop trying to explain things to a brick wall that clearly doesn’t understand anything that I’m saying. I appreciate your white knight on the situation but I’d rather just gather more stuff and send it to the admin for them to make the decision. Also I didn’t mean to insult the brick wall like that it has a higher IQ
(Aug 08 2023, 08:34 PM)Soul Wrote: [ -> ]Record a (full) game or two with a hand cam.

Thank you, thank you. Please, no need for such extravagant gifts for a humble wanderer such as myself.
I'll be taking my leave now.

Unironically i will; it'll look like shit tho lmao.
(Aug 08 2023, 09:42 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 07:31 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 07:05 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 04:37 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 07 2023, 11:48 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]I never said they had to play like me if you go back and read what I said I gave my opinion on it without trying to insult them and even stated that I would watch their demos here and as well go watch some that are not listed. You have took it upon yourself to white knight and yes I doubt anything you have to say "I have a hard copy" like I give a fuck clearly that hard copy didn't bestow the powers to simply understand how to play the game into your brain as you have yet to show you have any understanding of how the game works through playing it. Let's get something understood though to some extent players that understand the game are going to play somewhat similar in the way they play in situations. It doesn't take a lot of sense to understand how to play certain things or where they should be looking at in the situation they are in. I did say they had a inhuman reaction there and it is very weird considering they are shooting the last 2 people on site and flick over very what seems to be it locking on to something and then proceed to flick right back to site and start shooting the people. If you watch the demos the game sense and the way they play is very mediocre to the way they shoot and aim at people. The clips that I have seen from them have all been this very weird flick that happens at times. I think you should watch the demos yourself before automatically assuming the word of someone over the internet just because they say they aren't cheating/ or you assume they arent because you have known them.
I did watch the demos, and all I saw was just lucky reflexes. Again, high sensitivity can lead to snappy movements which, again, resembles aimlocking. Why do you think all of these flashy esports highlights from players at high levels LOOK like that?. Stop grasping at straws, it literally does you no good.

Seriously. Not a hard concept to process: it's not an aimbot. It's not even silent-aim.
This clip: Tries to take an aim duel against two people; one retreats to cover while the other strands themself and commits to jumping, guaranteeing they will die to the spam. There's nothing inhuman about the movement here, it does indeed have the level of human error that comes with trying to correct for a moving target.

This clip: Unfortunate position to find yourself in, crosshair was lined up where the enemy happened to be. Hard to fully judge what we're seeing for that second kill because this is from the server's perspective and doesn't account for what the player was seeing on their screen the moment it happened. Initial flick misses, correction gets them. Slowing it down, there is no unnatural path the crosshair takes, and the ammount of correction I saw is pretty normal for someone with high sensitivity. 


This clip: That's more on you for not checking the corner they were in. Peekers advantage would mean you naturally would scope this kill, but it looks like you just turn and then go about your business as if you didn't see anything. Either not used to the map you're on, or you just had a bout of human error yourself. There is nothing in this clip that indicates aimbot, you did kind of just walk in to the crosshair. (please keep in mind if it isn't you specifically as the player getting killed, know that I understand that; I'm just using "you" to make the second person perspective easier to understand.)

Game sense and aim can be something you have either one or the other. Just because both aren't present in the exact same capacity does not mean someone is cheating.
Let’s look at this at the standpoint of moru playing the game. She claims her sensitivity is : 1200 dpi and 4.1 sensitivity. Yes you can see  some very weird flicks with this but explain with this sensitivity being to the fucking moon how she consistently tracks people at the perfect spray as well as when peeking people or doing things she makes almost zero adjustment when doing so most people would look in the general direction of the player shooting at them or they hear and adjust as they see them. Watching the demos she barely does this and just automatically goes to players most the time and the season clip she adjust to perfect headshot level and with the 4.1 sens and 1200 dpi perfectly tracks the second guy leading down to site. I can understand hitting some of those “flicks” with a sens you “might be used to” but with that high of sensitivity even in a situation you get scared by a player peeking you from the side or out of nowhere you would think to see her flick that mouse flying off the screen. To play with this sens you really have to barely move your mouse across the mousepad to the point that I can do fucking 400 360s before making it to the end of my mousepad. The way they strafe and aim compared to the sensitivity just does not add up at fucking all. There is no fucking way she consistently tracks players with that sensitivity and never fails to do so. I’d also like to point out that when peeking players there is this very weird thing she does where she runs out shooting them before even realizing they are there and she does this a lot.
It's worth keeping in mind that when YOU use the sensitivity and settings, YOU are not the person you are trying to mimic. You don't have any idea how they are moving the mouse. Keep in mind at the same time that CS:S is very forgiving with things like movement inaccuracy, and spread in general is a lot tighter, so as long as you're able to track for the very slim amount of time needed to kill in this game, then you're perfectly fine.

Being mindful that lower sensitivity means you are forced to use your arm more, while the faster your sensitivity, you will need to compensate a lot more with your wrist for precise motions. It is, and pause for just a moment, entirely PLAUSIBLE, that someone just has naturally excellent motor reflexes particularly in their wrist. In order for you to utilize the sensitivity the same way, you would have to condition yourself and get used to it.

Most of the issues you have can be explained by: Source is more forgiving. Don't pretend like it's not and that that is also not the reason why these "impossible movements" actually happened. The whole "automatically going to players" thing is again, just reflex. If you train yourself to react, as well as just having naturally good motor reflexes, you will be extremely snappy. It should be worth noting that as I have watched them play full games from start to finish, I have noticed their aim is not nearly as perfect as you're letting on. They are plenty inconsistent in certain scenarios, and are usually outplayed with better positioning. (source: someone who has both played against them and watched them play).

Also that weird thing you mentioned? That's pre-firing. That's a literal technique everyone does to retain an advantage in a game largely about holding positions. Most of the time pre-firing can be countered by either being better at aiming than said player, or catching them at an off-angle.

I’ve put my two cents in your argument seem to just repeat the same things as I try and explain stuff from the pov I see thanks for explaining the definition of prefiring through my 5k hours didn’t know what it was. The prefiring she does is on people she hasn’t seen and are shift walking and she shoots the walls then goes around the corner to shoot them if had watched the demo you would of probably seen this a few times. It’s really weird that she tries to prefire them through the wall before swinging in a place she doesn’t know they are. I think it’s better i stop trying to explain things to a brick wall that clearly doesn’t understand anything that I’m saying. I appreciate your white knight on the situation but I’d rather just gather more stuff and send it to the admin for them to make the decision. Also I didn’t mean to insult the brick wall like that it has a higher IQ

You can't see things from a different POV if you refuse to. Sorry you've taken nothing but personal offense, but hey. There's always another game for you, right? This game is just so vibrant with life when one of these servers takes two hours minimum to fill up as it is. Let's start jumping the gun and banning people for reasonable doubt instead of evidence BEYOND a reasonable doubt. 

I've already tried to see it from your perspective as someone with plenty of general experience with Counter-Strike and the FPS genre. Downplay it as much as you want, that's again, just an ego thing and you being stubborn because you WANT to be.

It seems that you really only want to see your side of the argument because you've already convinced yourself.

It's this mindset that kills games and stagnates player pools. But you probably don't actually care about that.

Watching this clip in particular from the OP: This shit's 110% normal person aim lmao. That's someone freaking the fuck out and probably assuming that another person is there and just totally whiffing and hitting a gun instead. You need to certainly be special to think there is any sort of aimbot on planet earth made with the sole intention of shooting dropped weapons. What purpose would that serve beyond a grief tool?

You have to be trolling if you're saying this is indicative of a cheat and not someone that just needs to calm the fuck down and figure out where people actually are.
(Aug 08 2023, 11:04 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 09:42 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 07:31 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 07:05 PM)Bleh HEAVYGRINDER ` Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 08 2023, 04:37 PM)nyo Wrote: [ -> ]I did watch the demos, and all I saw was just lucky reflexes. Again, high sensitivity can lead to snappy movements which, again, resembles aimlocking. Why do you think all of these flashy esports highlights from players at high levels LOOK like that?. Stop grasping at straws, it literally does you no good.

Seriously. Not a hard concept to process: it's not an aimbot. It's not even silent-aim.
This clip: Tries to take an aim duel against two people; one retreats to cover while the other strands themself and commits to jumping, guaranteeing they will die to the spam. There's nothing inhuman about the movement here, it does indeed have the level of human error that comes with trying to correct for a moving target.

This clip: Unfortunate position to find yourself in, crosshair was lined up where the enemy happened to be. Hard to fully judge what we're seeing for that second kill because this is from the server's perspective and doesn't account for what the player was seeing on their screen the moment it happened. Initial flick misses, correction gets them. Slowing it down, there is no unnatural path the crosshair takes, and the ammount of correction I saw is pretty normal for someone with high sensitivity. 


This clip: That's more on you for not checking the corner they were in. Peekers advantage would mean you naturally would scope this kill, but it looks like you just turn and then go about your business as if you didn't see anything. Either not used to the map you're on, or you just had a bout of human error yourself. There is nothing in this clip that indicates aimbot, you did kind of just walk in to the crosshair. (please keep in mind if it isn't you specifically as the player getting killed, know that I understand that; I'm just using "you" to make the second person perspective easier to understand.)

Game sense and aim can be something you have either one or the other. Just because both aren't present in the exact same capacity does not mean someone is cheating.
Let’s look at this at the standpoint of moru playing the game. She claims her sensitivity is : 1200 dpi and 4.1 sensitivity. Yes you can see  some very weird flicks with this but explain with this sensitivity being to the fucking moon how she consistently tracks people at the perfect spray as well as when peeking people or doing things she makes almost zero adjustment when doing so most people would look in the general direction of the player shooting at them or they hear and adjust as they see them. Watching the demos she barely does this and just automatically goes to players most the time and the season clip she adjust to perfect headshot level and with the 4.1 sens and 1200 dpi perfectly tracks the second guy leading down to site. I can understand hitting some of those “flicks” with a sens you “might be used to” but with that high of sensitivity even in a situation you get scared by a player peeking you from the side or out of nowhere you would think to see her flick that mouse flying off the screen. To play with this sens you really have to barely move your mouse across the mousepad to the point that I can do fucking 400 360s before making it to the end of my mousepad. The way they strafe and aim compared to the sensitivity just does not add up at fucking all. There is no fucking way she consistently tracks players with that sensitivity and never fails to do so. I’d also like to point out that when peeking players there is this very weird thing she does where she runs out shooting them before even realizing they are there and she does this a lot.
It's worth keeping in mind that when YOU use the sensitivity and settings, YOU are not the person you are trying to mimic. You don't have any idea how they are moving the mouse. Keep in mind at the same time that CS:S is very forgiving with things like movement inaccuracy, and spread in general is a lot tighter, so as long as you're able to track for the very slim amount of time needed to kill in this game, then you're perfectly fine.

Being mindful that lower sensitivity means you are forced to use your arm more, while the faster your sensitivity, you will need to compensate a lot more with your wrist for precise motions. It is, and pause for just a moment, entirely PLAUSIBLE, that someone just has naturally excellent motor reflexes particularly in their wrist. In order for you to utilize the sensitivity the same way, you would have to condition yourself and get used to it.

Most of the issues you have can be explained by: Source is more forgiving. Don't pretend like it's not and that that is also not the reason why these "impossible movements" actually happened. The whole "automatically going to players" thing is again, just reflex. If you train yourself to react, as well as just having naturally good motor reflexes, you will be extremely snappy. It should be worth noting that as I have watched them play full games from start to finish, I have noticed their aim is not nearly as perfect as you're letting on. They are plenty inconsistent in certain scenarios, and are usually outplayed with better positioning. (source: someone who has both played against them and watched them play).

Also that weird thing you mentioned? That's pre-firing. That's a literal technique everyone does to retain an advantage in a game largely about holding positions. Most of the time pre-firing can be countered by either being better at aiming than said player, or catching them at an off-angle.

I’ve put my two cents in your argument seem to just repeat the same things as I try and explain stuff from the pov I see thanks for explaining the definition of prefiring through my 5k hours didn’t know what it was. The prefiring she does is on people she hasn’t seen and are shift walking and she shoots the walls then goes around the corner to shoot them if had watched the demo you would of probably seen this a few times. It’s really weird that she tries to prefire them through the wall before swinging in a place she doesn’t know they are. I think it’s better i stop trying to explain things to a brick wall that clearly doesn’t understand anything that I’m saying. I appreciate your white knight on the situation but I’d rather just gather more stuff and send it to the admin for them to make the decision. Also I didn’t mean to insult the brick wall like that it has a higher IQ

You can't see things from a different POV if you refuse to. Sorry you've taken nothing but personal offense, but hey. There's always another game for you, right? This game is just so vibrant with life when one of these servers takes two hours minimum to fill up as it is. Let's start jumping the gun and banning people for reasonable doubt instead of evidence BEYOND a reasonable doubt. 

I've already tried to see it from your perspective as someone with plenty of general experience with Counter-Strike and the FPS genre. Downplay it as much as you want, that's again, just an ego thing and you being stubborn because you WANT to be.

It seems that you really only want to see your side of the argument because you've already convinced yourself.

It's this mindset that kills games and stagnates player pools. But you probably don't actually care about 
“ I jump to your defense my queen please notice how I have type these elegant paragraphs in defense of you please notice me uwu” 
Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain. suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates war. and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses causal relationships that cannot be separated.
Was curious what this was

[Image: image.png]

Upon further investigation, found this https://gamebanana.com/mods/15700

[Image: 4ea2d1c88849a.jpg]

Interesting. Nothing to see here though. Wait... The fuck is this shit?

[Image: image.png]

. . .

[Image: image.png]

PHP Code:

Can’t change replicated ConVar sv_hudhint_sound from console of client
only server operator can change its value 

Not indicative of cheats per se but, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't believe this 'server' command is allowed.
But again, cheating =/= cheats (hacks). Cheating by way of unfair advantage, sure. But not necessarily cheating via a cheat client/third-party program.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's allowed though. Afterall, bhops scripts apparently are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Aug 10 2023, 04:21 PM)Soul Wrote: [ -> ]Was curious what this was

[Image: image.png]

Upon further investigation, found this https://gamebanana.com/mods/15700

[Image: 4ea2d1c88849a.jpg]

Interesting. Nothing to see here though. Wait... The fuck is this shit?

[Image: image.png]

. . .

[Image: image.png]

PHP Code:

Can’t change replicated ConVar sv_hudhint_sound from console of client
only server operator can change its value 

Not indicative of cheats per se, and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe this 'server' command is allowed.
But again, cheating =/= cheating. Cheating by way of unfair advantage, sure. But not necessarily cheating via a cheat client/third-party program.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's allowed though. Afterall, bhops scripts apparently are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh ya insane's team menu is real nice; i dont even think ive touched that option / know what it does; i just like having it to quickly change my crosshair and my rates id reccomend it tbh.
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