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Full Version: Johny
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i was gaming on server 12 dust deathmatch and i didnt no how to record a demo or i would of but i saw johny or something like that using a aim bot it was obvious enough that i could point it out if some one could look out for this guy hes on usally around 12 - 3am
west time

srry didnt grab his steam my comp was freaking out

btw ur voteban system sucks ass
is this the guy?

Name and Steam ID: Johny Awesome STEAM_0:0:1969162456
Gameme Profile : Click me

[Image: aimgg.png]
i-spy Wrote:is this the guy?

Name and Steam ID: Johny Awesome STEAM_0:0:1969162456
Gameme Profile : Click me

[Image: aimgg.png]

Aimbot не настроенный 
If you need help, then watch this...


Or you can just google it.
thats him ya but he was just using johny when we were gaming
Admins cant really do anything if there isnt a demo :/

Nice work PaSS Tongue

Smile i try lol ill try to get a demo next time
you hypocrite, posting after topics are locked Tongue
ur one to talk