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Full Version: Helmut^ [waller]
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i know theres alrdy a topic up about him but thought id make my own anyways
heres 2 full maps of him, theres obv moments in both maps so watch it all

im still sticking up for him ive seen no obvious hacking from this guy he dont deserve to be banned
PaSS Wrote:im still sticking up for him ive seen no obvious hacking from this guy he dont deserve to be banned

i half-ass agree with u, gg player but walls
lol u may be right but i havent seen it so i d k wat walls means lol but ya i still stand by wat i say hes good lol
I agree with pass
Ive played with him enough and I have always suspected something fishy about him and im pretty sure he does use some kind of hacks


King_Viper Wrote:Ive played with him enough and I have always suspected something fishy about him and im pretty sure he does use some kind of hacks

fishy_hack 2.0
still think he walls
agreed with pass too, i played with him for a few hours last night, i dont get why u faggots call hacks on everyone, if you make some good shots or spam someone its normal but if someone else does it u call hacks on them. ive never seen so many annoying complaining bitches on warlords, usually its just silly noobs but comonn, massacare and GLK should get banned for bitchin honestly
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