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Full Version: Admin Application: Nada
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Name: Nada
Steam ID :STEAM_0:1:18251989
Age: 15
Tell us something about yourself: I'm 15, yes, but I don't act like it. My age is certainly a liability as I haven't been exposed as much as others in having such responsibility over other people. I do mess around, but I do also recognize the time to be serious. I'm not easily flamed, but I do like to argue. I consider possible points of views before my rebuttal, which in my opinion, would help when deciding if someone is cheating. I rely on rationality, therefore admin abuse from me is unlikely.  In addition, I've been playing games ever since my older brothers introduced them to me,4-5 years ago. I've been playing Counter-Strike: Source for a good 7-8 months now. This may seem like a short amount of time, however, I learned a lot as I got into competitive gaming. I recognize how many of the cheat engines work, such as the x22 and kartoffel shakes.

Reason For Admin Application:
During my countless hours in the war-lords server, I discovered the interesting community of regulars and admins. I find that the community is paramount compared to others, and I wish to be a part of it. However, in addition to finding out the notable community that is War-Lords, I also discovered the abundance of cheaters in the servers. In the early hours of the day, most admins aren't online. They do eventually get banned, however, the damage has been done and multiple players have already left the server. I spot cheaters a mile away, and I wish to utilize this skill and benefit the War-Lords community.

--I'm sorry if my application was too long.

Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.
Yay nada! Big Grin

This application has been approved.

Please read the  War-Lords Administrators' Handbook before you execute any admin commands on our servers.