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Full Version: Something fishy with Piller- Piller walling?
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PLAYER: Piller
Time and Date: 6/28/11 at around 5:15 PM on #2

Reason to believe cheating: He simply either gets lucky all the time or just knows where people are using walls. He comes around corners prefiring and getting headshots and while I know it is possible to do that once or twice and kill somebody, he simply does it all the time. Also, he has the signature of a waller by only walking slowly when he is around enemies. How could he know? How can he turn corners and have his cross hairs perfectly lined up on someone's head? Hacks. Thats how.

I know that piller has been demoed several times before, but I am tired of him hacking on these servers I am so sure I got him
Re: Something fishy with Piller

any report yet?
Aside from suspicious activity I consider player technique and ping before taking action. I'm unsure of his ping, and these demos only show short clips.

However, if I had to make a decision based off just this I wouldn't ban. Almost all of his kills were at choke points on that map, he got caught off guard more than once, and from what I saw his cursor wasn't following through walls at all; some times he would even have to turn the other way to correct from looking past the opposite way of which the enemy was running.
When trying to identify wall hackers, you have to remember that every player has a few key tools at their disposal that if used properly can make you look like a hacker.

Minimap/Radar: If a teammate sees them, even if your computer sees them through smoke or a flash, they will show up on the minimap. Also if someone doesn't move from a spot after killing someone else, it's very easy to quickcheck their last position or prefire into it as a precaution. MANY pubbers will camp in a spot/area after they've killed someone.

Latency: Often times you may think you've safely made it behind a wall, but the other guy saw you trying to ditch away.

Shadows: I play with them. Some people might not due to performance. These can play HUGE roles in spotting someone hiding, or even seening someone through a door/wall as the shadow may glitch and reveal them.

Gun barrels/body parts: I've seen someone so many times looking around and their gunsticks through a wall or a foot glitches in a door.

Sound: The biggest one. If you've never owned a pair of gaming headphones, you can't understand how much sound plays in tracking people. The sound of them jumping, switching weapon, reloading, everything comes into play. It's so easy to track people with a good pair of headphones.

This is why when banning for wall hacking, you have to be especially careful, because all these other factors come into play.

This being said, I've spent many many rounds tracking Piller. I haven't seen anything yet that really makes be believe he's wall hacking.
He was known for going 18-0 the first 5 rounds, an Admin (myself) then joins spec, and he goes 18-5 the next 5 rounds back when he first started playing on the server... Now he just sucks when ever I play with him... *shrug*
Rabbit Wrote:He was known for going 18-0 the first 5 rounds, an Admin (myself) then joins spec, and he goes 18-5 the next 5 rounds back when he first started playing on the server... Now he just sucks when ever I play with him... *shrug*
yea thats another really suspicious thing i noticed about him and a ton of other people have said. What did u think of the demos?

------ Merged June 29, 2011 ------

Spiffywerks Wrote:When trying to identify wall hackers, you have to remember that every player has a few key tools at their disposal that if used properly can make you look like a hacker.

Minimap/Radar: If a teammate sees them, even if your computer sees them through smoke or a flash, they will show up on the minimap. Also if someone doesn't move from a spot after killing someone else, it's very easy to quickcheck their last position or prefire into it as a precaution. MANY pubbers will camp in a spot/area after they've killed someone.

Latency: Often times you may think you've safely made it behind a wall, but the other guy saw you trying to ditch away.

Shadows: I play with them. Some people might not due to performance. These can play HUGE roles in spotting someone hiding, or even seening someone through a door/wall as the shadow may glitch and reveal them.

Gun barrels/body parts: I've seen someone so many times looking around and their gunsticks through a wall or a foot glitches in a door.

Sound: The biggest one. If you've never owned a pair of gaming headphones, you can't understand how much sound plays in tracking people. The sound of them jumping, switching weapon, reloading, everything comes into play. It's so easy to track people with a good pair of headphones.

This is why when banning for wall hacking, you have to be especially careful, because all these other factors come into play.

This being said, I've spent many many rounds tracking Piller. I haven't seen anything yet that really makes be believe he's wall hacking.
I know these many factors, but it is unrealistic for someone to consistently get 30 kills a match but when an admin shows up, he starts to suck. Even with these factors and him getting caught off guard in each clip, u cant use walls to see behind urself unless im mistaken. I have only seen videos of wallers and just the way he snaps his aim to people's heads is just ridiculous or simply impossible to do.

ben_fb Wrote:Aside from suspicious activity I consider player technique and ping before taking action. I'm unsure of his ping, and these demos only show short clips.

However, if I had to make a decision based off just this I wouldn't ban. Almost all of his kills were at choke points on that map, he got caught off guard more than once, and from what I saw his cursor wasn't following through walls at all; some times he would even have to turn the other way to correct from looking past the opposite way of which the enemy was running.
The bad thing is that I missed one of the clear walling/aimbot moments: He was on D2 in window looking towards tunnels and just jumps outside and scopes in with awp and headshots a guy coming through double doors. I wish I had that demoed because I've replayed that over in my head too many times to count and every time it leads to just not being legit. Oh well I'll see if he is on today and I'll add to this post

EDIT: Merged Multiple Posts

I didn't see anything suspicious in these.