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[Image: 229221_227150397302045_100000212586401_1...8334_n.jpg] me about 1 year and a half ago, i was about 6'3" and now im 6'5 going on 6'6" :]
±¨°º¤ø„¸MeDia¸„ø¤º°¨± Wrote:[Image: 229221_227150397302045_100000212586401_1...8334_n.jpg] me about 1 year and a half ago, i was about 6'3" and now im 6'5 going on 6'6" :]
Not trying to tease you but your quite lanky,but nice pic but please shrink,your making me feel short. =P


±¨°º¤ø„¸MeDia¸„ø¤º°¨± Wrote:[Image: 229221_227150397302045_100000212586401_1...8334_n.jpg] me about 1 year and a half ago, i was about 6'3" and now im 6'5 going on 6'6" :]

Future Serial Killer. 100%
this me Tryin look cool.
±¨°º¤ø„¸MeDia¸„ø¤º°¨± Wrote:[Image: 229221_227150397302045_100000212586401_1...8334_n.jpg] me about 1 year and a half ago, i was about 6'3" and now im 6'5 going on 6'6" :]

media, is that you? wait, did we play couple hours ago in custom maps, and you showed me a better version of italy map?
±¨°º¤ø„¸MeDia¸„ø¤º°¨± Wrote:me about 1 year and a half ago, i was about 6'3" and now im 6'5 going on 6'6" :]
Actually he looks nice, a pro basket player for sure Wink
[Image: ebmmb711jgccr11ct2xv.jpg]

Me about 2 years ago. Standing at the beach
@media, man you are so tall lol
@pain, who goes to beach at night to swim lol
its called skinny dipping
±¨°º¤ø„¸MeDia¸„ø¤º°¨± Wrote:[Image: 229221_227150397302045_100000212586401_1...8334_n.jpg] me about 1 year and a half ago, i was about 6'3" and now im 6'5 going on 6'6" :]
So do you now have to duck when going through that door? Just put on a pointy wizards hat and you can be Gandalf Wink