Real life counter strike. Doing this a few times a month. This time we actually had someone go around snapping pictures rofl.
I am the fully geared in black in the back.
cucubelu, post: 95387, member: 15378 Wrote:Real life counter strike. Doing this a few times a month. This time we actually had someone go around snapping pictures rofl.
I am the fully geared in black in the back.
I am trying not to troll the crap out of the geardo's. Why would you......must stop...trying not to trolll...arrggghhhh. Its like seeing the National Guard down range. Hey man, your ACOG is on backwards. Hey dude, probably don't want to put your IFAK on your firing shoulder.......arghhh!!
Mr.Tea, post: 95389, member: 1006 Wrote:I am trying not to troll the crap out of the geardo's. Why would you have a magazine holder for your pistol on your firing hand.
Most of the people you see there except me and another dude are active in the military. Marines, Navy and Army mostly. Since most of their combat sim on the bases here in Hawaii has been suspended due to budget cuts they are practicing here. I go to make up the numbers, and for the awesome cardio.
cucubelu, post: 95390, member: 15378 Wrote:Most of the people you see there except me and another dude are active in the military. Marines, Navy and Army mostly. Since most of their combat sim on the bases here in Hawaii has been suspended due to budget cuts they are practicing here. I go to make up the numbers, and for the awesome cardio.
I know they are active duty. I see their kits. At least, someone is getting use out of military issued goggles. I'm backing off...going to the gym...
I remember when I used to airsoft... fun times.
Wish I could just sell the remainder of my guns, lol.
looks like a lot of fun cucu, im jelly
Our cosom hockey school team!
Bottom left one, with the Wings cap!
Hipstur longboard pic of me...
no judgin plz i am 2 cul foh dis wurl
after 8 hours of assembly time.
my personal "playground" is complete.
won't have to head to the crowded gym after work in the future.