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Full Version: GLK, bring it
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Alright u self centered prick. Since we both got warnings for ur dumbass actions on my post, Im gonna wreck u here. Congratulations on being ESEA main, now where is your 37k subscriber base? Thats what I thought. Not everything is about you GLK. Also, u call me a fat fucking ugly faggot when you havent even seen me in real life. That type of insult also shows how little of a kid you are and that your maturity is so low that I bet u laugh when your friends say penis. Also GLK, it isnt your place to post on my thread anyways with you saying that your ESEA Main. I dont give a shit. I said a special guest might be coming to War-Lords and all you can think about is yourself being ESEA Main? Really dude, if you wanted to become an admin, put War-Lords in front of your self-centered ego
agreeed, this kiddo accused me of hacking and talked shit for daysss then he said he took it back and was tryin to act nice, i was like helllllll no, then he tells me dumb shit of how he can beat me up in real life, all i said is that he was the one that said he plays 8 hours a day~ lol
Viper just ignore GLK. Hes some obese kid that came from CoD, and possibly vent.exe's.

Its pretty funny though, to see him think hes decent.


lol you aint  better rice...  watch yourself little bitch.
ruplayer Wrote:lol you aint  better rice...  watch yourself little bitch.

Never said anything about my skill. but now that you bring it up.
I probably am.


I don't care about your skills, I'm just saying next time when you ask me to leave the server because for some reason you hate me, you may end up with a one day ban.
? I dont know you. I was asking bison to stay cause i know him. and dont know you?

meh sorry you think i hate you.
GLK if you read this man you need to stop trying to get hated by everyone i know you like to try to be the funny guy but seriously its not funny i hear a lot of complains about u!
Rice ruplayer is the best friend of everyone in the server 4 and hes a nice guy dont hate him! i dont know you but i heard some complains about you too so im watching you too man don talk shit about him and the other admins!! Rice i dont have nothing against you plus you seem like a good guy so im just saying this because other peeps complain a lot about you!


Jul 3, 2011 1:31:41 pm 17 Rice and Chicken stay here if your bison
Jul 3, 2011 1:31:45 pm 17 Rice and Chicken if your ruplayer go ahead and leave

you sound funny now=)
Again, the person typed in admin chat so.  Idkwho was leaving.  Since I know bison ofc I wanted him to stay. If it was you I wad saying  bye.
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