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Full Version: Admin Application
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Name: xG GooN
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37913065 01:08 93 0
Age: 19
Random Fact: I am a 19 yearr old high school graduate. And im studying courses in college right now. I work about 20 hours a week at an animal hospital helping sick animals.
Reason for admin application: Im on almost all day when i don't work and some how i run into a few hackers each day. I have a few friends that are admins and they never seem to be on when these hackers are on. The only reason i want admin it to help BETTER the War-Lords css gaming community by eliminating these cheating scums… Thank you for your time and for going over this application. Hope to See you all in the War-Lords.net servers. I mostly play on #2 or #1 and server 10 is the bomb so ill no scope you their haha just kidding… Bison<3

Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.

It is not in our current interest to add you to our staff.