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Full Version: Server Admin Application
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Name: Satan's Kitty
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:2748914
Age: 21
Tell us something about yourself: I am a computer engineering Student in my final year. I am [glow=red,2,300]Canadian[/glow], eh! I play games way too much lol..
Reason For Admin Application:  I am often very often and see every so often a hacker who is on but there are no admins to take action against them. I am very patient for people, I will warn people before taking any action(for spammers, but not hackers). I am usually in Servers #1, #2 or the scrim server.
Radom Fact: My name was created before i got my cat in my pictures and spray in CS.

Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.
Kitty kitty kitty come <3 lol

oh jeez lol jk

good luck homie


Canadians everywhere! =)
Big Grin

This application has been approved.

Please read the  War-Lords Administrators' Handbook before you execute any admin commands on our servers.