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Full Version: Ye||oШ F|aﻛH™ Admin Application
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In Game Name: Ye||oШ F|aﻛH™
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:40070216
Age: 27y/o

Tell us something about your self: My Friends Call me "Rey" I'm currently Live in California, i am working in an Elderly Home as a Nurse (Assistant). I do play Basketball,Jogging in the beach if i'm off my computer, i Been Playing CS since 1.6 and stopped for a while and started 5 years ago with Counter Strike Source. oh Btw! i have Love Birds i called Them chuck&chick ;D

Reason for Admin Application: I Hate Hackers! CSS is my Past time and Relaxing time after work and i don't like when someone ruins it. i Play in #10 server everytime i'm in my computer and  i know how frustrating if someone is cheating/hacking and we need to do some thing about it. hackers can drop the server population and make players leave. I Been an Admin in another community for 4 years in zombie server,surf server and deathmatch. i know how to works with Mani and source mod also with rcon. Spotting Hackers and making Report is easy as 123.
1- spectate the player.
2- make a demo and get his/her steam ID.
3-but if not sure if his hacking post a demo so other Admin or Moderator can Review and study it before making a permanent ban.
Ask me if you have more questions regarding an Admin matters. Peace!

Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.
Got it! Wink

It is not currently in our best interest to add you to our staff.