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Name: MY MOM!

SteamID: steam_0:1:9755002

Age: 23

Random Fact: I live in Hawaii. I love playing basketball, drinking, css, and my gf (not necessarily in that order).

Reason for Admin Application: There are a few hackers that come in from time to time when I'm playing in the middle of the night. Also, a lot of people that play don't fulfill objectives, mic spam, and give inappropriate comments. I am one who usually can tolerate such childish behavior, but sometimes it gets annoying and unfair to other players.

Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.
O_o that name, will sure get you far...
Rabbit Wrote:O_o that name, will sure get you far...
Rabbit Wrote:O_o that name, will sure get you far...

haha thanks Rabbit. I surely hope so =)
Where have you been mama?
BARCODE Wrote:Where have you been mama?

been super busy lately. plus too i just got back from vegas like 2 weeks ago. but i should be on a lot more often now. i havent seen you! where the hell have YOU been? =)
i was sick for almost two weeks with typhoid fever..lol..and you haven't been online for two weeks also..
BARCODE Wrote:i was sick for almost two weeks with typhoid fever..lol..and you haven't been online for two weeks also..

yeah since i got back ive been running around doing errands. then i stayed at my friends place for a week and partied cause my gf went on a trip. but now im back home. should be playing a lot more often now. and DAYUM DUDE! typhoid fever? mustve been intense
yeah..but im ok now..see you see you later..
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