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As I understand it (please correct me if I am wrong), but the current ping limit on all servers is 1000, and if you hit 1000 ping then you are banned?

I propose that the ping limit is reduced to a reasonable amount of 300. I am in the UK, with 8mb broadband (not that great considering internet packages these days), and I average a ping of 164. I have seen quite a few people (albeit only really server 10) with HUGE pings (for example one guy today was playing with a ping of 700). It makes it kinda difficult to kill them.

A limit of 300 ping would still let on a lot of the regulars who are futher away from the server, whilst limiting the amount of people that have a ping that makes the game difficult to play.

Also you would obviously have to enforce the "no ping masks" rule, otherwise it would completely defeat the point of having a lowered ping limit.

If there is a reason to why the ping limit is so high, then I haven't been told it yet. This thread is mainly for my own education as to why the limit is so high, but if there is no real reason behind it then I suggest it's lowered down to 300.

Any objections/alternate suggestions/agreements, please post below. I know my ping isn't exactly low, but no one with lower pings seem to have trouble killing me, whereas the ones with 300+ ping seem to get flamed a lot for being laggy.
I'd probably set it at 450, though, not 300 since you can still play fairly fine at < 450 if you've got a stable connection with low jitter.
Yeah, I mean I said 300 because that seemed kinda fair? Most players I have seen with >300 ping have been okay enough that you can still hit them 9 times out of 10 without ping being the reason for the damage not registering (some people blame ping when they are actually just not compensating for recoil).

What about when you can see someone lagging? I have seen quite a few people doing what I call "teleporting", where you don't actually seem them move, they just kinda hop from place to place due to lag. How would that factor in?

Also what would you do about ping masks if you were going to lower the ping to 450? Thanks for reading my suggestion Smile
The reason the ping limit is 1000 is probably because War-Lords is active more than you might be on Rival and those people may be from a different time zone and have shitty pings, but they play against people with shitty pings as well. Its real interesting for me to go into a server that isnt very populated at a weird time and one deag every over 500 pinger lol idk how I do it, but it just happens a lot. Asian people have the worst time with this surprisingly because internet is shit over there combined with connecting over the ocean, it can be like over 700 ping at times
King_Viper Wrote:The reason the ping limit is 1000 is probably because War-Lords is active more than you might be on Rival and those people may be from a different time zone and have shitty pings, but they play against people with shitty pings as well. Its real interesting for me to go into a server that isnt very populated at a weird time and one deag every over 500 pinger lol idk how I do it, but it just happens a lot. Asian people have the worst time with this surprisingly because internet is shit over there combined with connecting over the ocean, it can be like over 700 ping at times

It's responses like this that made me write "this thread is for my education". I knew there would be something like this, so I tried to make sure that my original post didn't make me come off like some dick that was like "ban all the guys with pings higher than mine because I am a cunt" type thing.

Thanks for the reply, I was curious. Don't change it, that would also be fine, I just thought that maybe it was set that high for no reason , and it was just no one had actually said anything about it.

Also you have probably never one deaged anyone in your entire life, you noob Tongue
just cause ur from england doesnt mean we have to listen to u
Yeah you do, and you know it, bitch Tongue

Also off topic : Sorry I haven't been on Minecraft recently, had a few games of CS:S and been down the studio (and also been trying to sleep in conjunction with my own time zone, rather than 8 hours behind) Tongue
even with higher pings as long as your updaterate cmdrate rate and interp are synchronised properly for the bad delay(ping) game can be playable at 450 possibly higher latencies i think
i think it should be lowered to 500 maybe 450
Dont change it ! just like nomal kk ?  ;D
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