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Full Version: SOMANYKITTENS Ban Request/Admin Abuse
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This took me forever to readĀ  :-\
Rabbit, have you never played in a server with no chat rules? I thought war-lords was one of those servers. Can one of you provide me with a link to the war-lords server rules?
SOMANYKITTENS Wrote:Rabbit, have you never played in a server with no chat rules? I thought war-lords was one of those servers. Can one of you provide me with a link to the war-lords server rules?

Sure have, and in those types of servers, if you were banned, you wouldnt have the ability to post up a ban protest thread because if they don't like you, right or wrong... then they get rid of you.

Have you ever played in a server where it was Ok to insult, and degrade an AdminĀ  sexually, and racially in a deliberate manor?

I bet you have not.

To clear up any earlier confusion, you were banned by ex-admin Sporkis under the name "prezpreston" for Spamming/Mic Chat. However, he issued a permanent ban and i unbanned you. Anyway, you should have been banned for 1 day with accordance to the Admin Code of Conduct. However, as you did have a previous ban, and i was a witness when you were first banned, I am going to keep you banned for another 2 days.
There are certainly servers where there are still unban request threads for servers with no chat rules. You don't need to look very far. At no time was the term "niggers" used to describe ruplayer. The chatlogs certainly show that it was said before the argument between ru and myself started.

In any case, now that I have the server rules, which are NOT posted clearly on the server, I will certainly abide by them. Furthermore, I will call out anyone when they are abusing it, and hopefully the admins present will do something about it.

------ Merged July 11, 2011 ------

xFerior Wrote:RESOLVED

To clear up any earlier confusion, you were banned by ex-admin Sporkis under the name "prezpreston" for Spamming/Mic Chat. However, he issued a permanent ban and i unbanned you. Anyway, you should have been banned for 1 day with accordance to the Admin Code of Conduct. However, as you did have a previous ban, and i was a witness when you were first banned, I am going to keep you banned for another 2 days.
xFerior, do you not recall Sporkis doing that on account of a JOKE? Holy shit, if this is how justice is done on your servers, count me out of playing on them.

EDIT: Merged Double Posts
Moderation Staff


lol I told you that you better shut up if you want to play it today....
It was certainly not a joke. I had told him to read the CoC like 4 times, and then he banned someone without accordance to the CoC (the ban should have been a day, not permanent), so i decided to simply unban.
I think that some of the admins need to lighten up a bit. Yet again, another small issue has been blown way out of proportion.

The player is very accurate when he says the rules are not posted clearly. In fact, I'm not sure if regular users can even access the rules.
Anubis Wrote:I think that some of the admins need to lighten up a bit. Yet again, another small issue has been blown way out of proportion.

The player is very accurate when he says the rules are not posted clearly. In fact, I'm not sure if regular users can even access the rules.

Sense when is calling a admin a fagget exceptable in any server run by admins?


He said what he wanted to say, and hes going to pay the price for it... which is 2days baned.
Anubis Wrote:I think that some of the admins need to lighten up a bit. Yet again, another small issue has been blown way out of proportion.

The player is very accurate when he says the rules are not posted clearly. In fact, I'm not sure if regular users can even access the rules.

I've never actually found the rules XD
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