Jul 13 2011, 07:01 AM
Name: [DxG] Fake
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:1623865398 (not sure if I have meet 72hr requirement or not
Age: 24 (M)
Tell us something about yourself: Used to play CS when it first launch. (10+ yrs ago). Just recently (couple of weeks) came back to CSS. Reason for playing in War-lord server is because it is the only server with low latency. [Pro or Noob? I would say I'm in between... not totally noob (still got some skills/kills but not God-like)
Reason For Admin Application: One simple reason...and only reason... I HATE Aimbot!! >
I only want to be an admin so I could get rid those hackers. Still can't tell players using wall-hack and players who rely on hearing foot steps. Visiting the forum every once in a while (once in couple of days) mainly to check on the upcoming Zombie server rumors. 8) 8)
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:1623865398 (not sure if I have meet 72hr requirement or not

Age: 24 (M)
Tell us something about yourself: Used to play CS when it first launch. (10+ yrs ago). Just recently (couple of weeks) came back to CSS. Reason for playing in War-lord server is because it is the only server with low latency. [Pro or Noob? I would say I'm in between... not totally noob (still got some skills/kills but not God-like)
Reason For Admin Application: One simple reason...and only reason... I HATE Aimbot!! >