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Full Version: please unban me i know i use cheat
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If memory serves me correct, last week ferior had to spam the shout box because you were not listening to him. Also you are a repeat offender and will not be unbanned for any reason.
Spiffywerks Wrote:If memory serves me correct, last week ferior had to spam the shout box because you were not listening to him. Also you are a repeat offender and will not be unbanned for any reason.
i think you're referring to my conversation with him here: http://war-lords.net/counter-strike/sill...-shoutbox/

i don't know what you mean by repeat offender but he's definitely an excessive liar.

His brother: http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.p ... 77&Submit=
Him: http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.ph...10&Submit=
You lied to us, so no, your staying banned. I thought i already told you that.
u r getting wrong m.bisom

  mine was revolution and my cuison not brother was shit out of ammo
Give me the reason u r not unbanning me from now on i will not use the hack and wll not tell a lie
Your not getting unbanned whether you like it or not. This is why you should not hack. Good day sir.
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