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    -Applicant has played on all of our servers for a net time of over 72 hours (3 days)

Yep. Spend way too much time on css, usually server 4, or 2, or 24/7 dust server

  -Applicants have not wrongfully accused players of hacking. Chat logs will be checked for these types of accusations.

I haven't been accused.

  -Applicants have a strong knowledge of hackers. You will be tested on your knowledge of hacking on our teamspeak server.

I know a pro and a hacker. Last one I helped ruplayer to submit.

    -Applicants are fine with staying active on the forum. If you receive admin, you will be required to stay active on the forum, or else your admin will be revoked.

Sure why not, I can check forums daily if work permits (sometimes work double shift Big Grin)

    Name: T3N-tastic fap
  Steam ID :STEAM_0:0:34970178
    Age: 28
    Tell us something about yourself: Finished college, work as security response officer, and yeah single
    Reason For Admin Application: Been pointing out subtle hackers for a while now on alladmin channel in game, ruplayer suggested that I apply for admin.

Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.


Good move, hope you'll get it!
According to GameMe and Steam, this guy has been playing in your servers for 70% of his entire CS:S career.  Roughly: 317 hours logged on your servers according to GameMe, and 456 hours logged on Steam Community, his profile.  So, 317/456 ~= 70%.

That's all I'm saying.  Smile
t3n-tastic fap Wrote: -Applicants have not wrongfully accused players of hacking. Chat logs will be checked for these types of accusations.

I haven't been accused.
lol. Other way around Wink
OwnageHN Wrote:According to GameMe and Steam, this guy has been playing in your servers for 70% of his entire CS:S career.  Roughly: 317 hours logged on your servers according to GameMe, and 456 hours logged on Steam Community, his profile.  So, 317/456 ~= 70%.

That's all I'm saying.  Smile

heh well with new steam ID, I played cs since it came out, half-life prior to that when it came out, quake before that. Moved about since then, lost my login/pword/hard disk of cs so had to get new one. Plus I took a break I guess for few playing eve-online and such.
I thought I would share this with you guys.
[Image: point.jpg]
Haha nice.
t3n-tastic fap Wrote:I thought I would share this with you guys.
[Image: point.jpg]
Funnyjunk Tongue
sigh, lately been having a heckic work schedule, guess summer vacations starting up or something. I work as security response officer, so whenever someone schedules vacation sick leave, or calls in sick, I'm who they call to fill in. That makes me work all over PNW.