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Full Version: For those who still love StarCraft 1
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Its pretty unbelievable to see how after so many years have passed since Starcraft was first launched, and yet lots of people still play online on Battle.net..
What is your favorite UMS map on Starcraft BNET?
And what do you love about Starcraft?
it just kick ass i love the sound that tanks make when they go into siege tank  nd i play fasstest maps usually.. u could build anything u want their
CantTOUCHDIS Wrote:Its pretty unbelievable to see how after so many years have passed since Starcraft was first launched, and yet lots of people still play online on Battle.net..
What is your favorite UMS map on Starcraft BNET?
And what do you love about Starcraft?
I'd have to say the old movie UMS games were sick. I can't remember what it was called, but it was pretty awesome and you got to choose what happened to the character. Anyways, Starcraft was awesome because of the single player which had an enticing story which reeled me in.

If you remember the single player movies, they were actually pretty cool, with the UED Victory Report kind of similar to real news stations in terms of blatantly lying. Tongue


I don't like playing UMS.  I usually play on fastest or lost temple or bgh. 
I love Fastest maps, but Big Game Hunters is more challenging  8)
Fastest > Low
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:Fastest > Low
I agreeSmile and if any of you want to vs me one day add me ign : KillaJeffrey but first i need a cd key, add me asapSmile

PS; i play fastest map ONLY
These videos send nostalgia down my spine. They make me feel young again, back to the days when my mind wasnt ravaged by the screams of zerg or the chanting of th protoss. To a simpler time. AHHH memories....
hmm i like ums > all

if your noob ums = use map settings
PaSS whats your favorite UMS
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