Hi guys, I love to play Warlords server alot, due to its low latency and great maps. But today, while I was playing Warlords 1, popular maps, after like 10 secs of joining the game it just disconnected me. I tried to join another warlords server, but it did not let me. Can someone please unban me.
Steam id:STEAM_0:0:180906944
What makes you think it was for walling?
Because it says Eye Angles Violation on the ban list.
I checked the logs and the ban appears to be valid. I don't see us overturning this ban so go play elsewhere.
Is it too late to admit I was walling?
Should have just admitted it in the beginning and maybe we would have had some leniency.
You're likely staying banned.
wolf1517 Wrote:Is it too late to admit I was walling?
Absolutely. Your staying banned.