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Any Warlord admins have Aim or Msn that i can contact with them because i need to ask them several of questions?
jeffreykilla Wrote:Any Warlord admins have Aim or Msn that i can contact with them because i need to ask them several of questions?
You can send your questions to me via the forums private messaging system. My personal private message link is located here
btw how long will it take you guys to reply lol. i have no patients.
give him like 24 hours thats how long it took me
Ask me ask me!! when no admins are on!! ask me!! i might be able to help when the nasty admins are offline.. ^.^
LOOL its privateSmile
lol always and only ask bison lol
and CanisterSmile
na cnister has no keys lol i no me and him buds
That's what he said.
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