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lol the topic name is not as hot as it is...
I meant the zombie mod map :

I am confused to put this topic to suggestion or question... now I will ask...
Recently I played zm map : zm_wtfhax_v10
and that map is not in the list that Matt said
http://war-lords.net/counter-strike/wha ... server-be/
I am afraid that zm_wtfhax_v6 or zm_wtfhax_v6e won't be added.
zm_wtfhax_v10 and zm_wtfhax_v6 or v6e
__________________[glow=blue,2,300]Are Different maps[/glow]____________________________

not so different, a bit bit bit same...
and I love that map...
So If u think that zm_wtfhax_v10 is an update from zm_wtfhax_v6 or v6e (I know that admins aren't stupitttttdtdtdtd),
please add that v6 or v6e edition... <<<this makes me put topic to suggestion...
It was the only version I could find to download. I just had a quick browse for zm_wtfhax on fpsbanna and even v10 seems to have disappeared.
Matt Wrote:It was the only version I could find to download. I just had a quick browse for zm_wtfhax on fpsbanna and even v10 seems to have disappeared.
No no no Matt, look at these links.
I have tried to click the download button, and the small download window that tells you to save or whatever....
It appears on both ...
The download links of both maps never lost ...
I googled by typing zm_wtfhax_v6 and zm_wtfhax_v10
Then I found that two links....
Add the v6, because it is different and better...
Just try it, Matt!
PS : It has hundreds of secrets!(not really hundreds)
open this link