ok so i was banned for like 15 minutes ago. i left my laptop to eat my noodles, and when i came back, i chose CT team, and bought weapons, after that i was banned. i immediately asked my brother if he did anythng because he has cheat engines for his gameboy emulator here in his laptop. and he said he didnt even touched the laptop.
please reconsider. thank you,.
name = Anak ni Kuring at Kepweng
I checked the logs and it appears the ban is valid. I don't see this permanent ban getting overturned anytime soon.
excuse me sir!
even if you come here and look at the laptop for cheats, u won't see one.
cos i'm telling the truth! maybe it detected cheats but for sure its not for cs source. im just playing with my friends, if i have cheat i should have owned those guys and look at my records, it really sucks,
please sir, i really love playing cs, especially with my friends, now im leftout.

hungryheart Wrote:even if you come here and look at the laptop for cheats, u won't see one.
of course I won't, you've already deleted them.
hungryheart Wrote:cos i'm telling the truth! maybe it detected cheats but for sure its not for cs source. im just playing with my friends, if i have cheat i should have owned those guys and look at my records, it really sucks,
I'm not surprised that you couldn't own them. It was of course prior to you using cheats. It detected you using cheats the second you turned them on and banned you which means you never got to use them to kill someone.
hungryheart Wrote:please sir, i really love playing cs, especially with my friends, now im leftout. 
that's one of the side effects of violating our rules.
Errr. Sir. I was eating my noodles at that time. I didnt do any cheats or what! And now ur banning me. Lol. Other cheat users are being unbanned. And why does people like me who didnt even used a single cheat be banned forever?
Sigh. Isnt there any way to prove you i didnt cheat? Or even a scond chance maybe to show u guys im not using cheats! Err u can see it in my records and through my friends they know i wont do such thing.
Pls. I really wanna play

Ask your brother again and make sure he didn't lie to you when he said he didn't touch your computer, because I'm sure he did.
I am still trying to figure out how you'd use a Gamboy cheat engine on CS:S ??? :o
xFerior Wrote:Ask your brother again and make sure he didn't lie to you when he said he didn't touch your computer, because I'm sure he did.
I lol'd irl.
I, The Rival Wrote:I am still trying to figure out how you'd use a Gamboy cheat engine on CS:S ??? :o
unexplained mysteries of the universe. :o
xFerior Wrote:Ask your brother again and make sure he didn't lie to you when he said he didn't touch your computer, because I'm sure he did.
No xFerior, this is step 2, step 1 is to go ask your mother if you have a brother....
I, The Rival Wrote:I am still trying to figure out how you'd use a Gamboy cheat engine on CS:S ??? :o
u dont understand buddy, the only cheat here is cheat engine that my brother usually use on gameboy and internet, and i dont even know how to use it, ='( and i got banned? sigh*