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Full Version: Scramble teams plugin
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No one knows what team they'll be on.
Might reduce team balancing issues.

People will be angry they aren't with their friends.
People will try to circumvent it because they like the AK over M4 and vis versa.

tweak idea #1:
block any attempt to get back on the previous team.
I like it.  Disabling team select would be nice. 

Admins could alleviate the issues with a friendly in-game request.
Im all for it. Big Grin
There's a great plugin called !votescramble in TF2, allows you to block people from switching teams, even if they reconnect.
oh my god... no... :'(
What happens though if the scramble itself unbalances the teams even more? Is the scramble itself random? If not, it could but the best of T and CT together and that would suck. It would be nice if the worst player is switched for the best player on the winning team which is what the admins have been doing.
Any updates? Teams were stacked again on 24/7 Office(2- 30). One guy that had a 3:1 kdr decided to join CTs but he couldn't get his *free* kills, so he joined Ts back.

I also support Mr. Tea's suggestion of disabling team select.
Can we enable team select for admins though please? It's easier than going through command to team switch yourself and stuff. Bugs out when you try and switch yourself immediately.
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