I think this would be awesome. Especially since I almost exclusively play on the disadvantaged/losing side.
Back in the day we used to play soul calibur II alot and we had an associated drinking game called "soul caliquor". The premise was really simple, you win, you take a shot. Worked really well at balancing all the players out after an hour or two. Make a plugin like that Bison!
naive Wrote:Worked really well at balancing all the players out after an hour or two.
I can imagine. :o
Probably be better to have a plugin that doesn't let the cash go under a certain amount.
Lol..i will let my enemy shot me..if Im terrorist, i will not plant the bomb or not defuse the bomb if ct..hmmm//not doing the objectives.. :o
Since I'm in the losing team 90% of the time, I definitely want to see a plugin of this kind (and the fact no one gave a logical explaination for not wanting this plug-in leaves me to believe all the people who voted "no" are team stackers :p). Though this is also a good solution:
http://war-lords.net/cs-suggestions/scr ... ms-plugin/
Matt Wrote:Probably be better to have a plugin that doesn't let the cash go under a certain amount.
Speaking of which, can we stop people to go spectator then back to their team if they have less than $800?
This plugin will balance the winning team that includes the fu*king Team Stackers!
5 vs 5 votes, let's see the next vote
Oh god no.
Saving and getting weapons is an important and most importantly a fun strategy of the game. Money saving and the efficient use of money defines the way you play, and more importantly is apart of the game!
Again, why are we punishing good players from winning? "Noob'ing the server to make it for fun and easy play isn't going to help anyone, and it won't allow newer players to get better. You're limiting everyone and in all honesty, these plugins are not used by 99.9% of the servers out there because they are not plugins that help with team balancing or teamstacking
Again, people voting for these things. It's not going to help the server, and it's not going to make the game easier for you. A better strategy and plugin is to force you to play when your team is getting rolled. Play better, understand what you're doing wrong, and only then will you get better.
Edit: So essentially, 5 players want to punish me for chilling by the bombsite as a Terrorist defending the bomb? What's the incentive for me trying to protect the objective, hell what's the point of the objective at all?!
The very reason why we should not place this plug-in on the server is the very reason why we are having this problem in the first place.
I don't see how changing the servers so drastically in order to keep a few kids in line, who believe playing god in the servers by team stacking is by any means important in their insignificant lives.