Name: Jamesizpro
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:1453489419
I was in the middle of a 1v1 knife fight when i got the message that i was banned from the server. I was swinging my knife rapidly when i was banned, maybe it was mistaken for some sort of knife mod? that may have something to do with it. Either way there were no cheats,hacks or anything like that being used. Thanks for your time and i hope this issue is resolved.
You were banned by our anti wallhack/aimbot/norecoil plugin for "Eye Angles Violation". Quick explanation :
Quote:About the Eye Test engine
This one is the new detection routine. You aren't likely to see a whole lot from it but what it does is test for impossible eye angles coming from clients. By default a client will never send eye angles past 90 and -90 degrees on the X or Z axis. Cheats however disable this behavior for a multitude of cheat features. This part of the plugin now enables SMAC to test for these. This part of the plugin now also hosts the Anti-Wallhack. The Anti-Wallhack works off of testing if another player is about to be visible to the player, if not it doesn't send the other players' position to the player. So thus wallhacks have nothing to use.
Anything you'd like to admit?
I was looking straight ahead at the guy i was fighting...? Maybe i read that wrong but it says i was looking at an angle past 90 degrees which i agree is impossible
I can't really comment at the moment because I don't think you're being honest about the situation you were in before you were banned.
Wait for a senior admin to comment on this, as you will not be unbanned until that has happened. Just to let you know, it's extremely rare that we unban people that trigger an EAV ingame.
I have no reason not to be honest, but I'll respect whatever decision you or any other admin comes up with. Again, thanks.
Jamesizpro Wrote:I have no reason not to be honest, but I'll respect whatever decision you or any other admin comes up with. Again, thanks.
Maybe if you were honest they would unban you?
Ever think of that?
Ever think that maybe i am being honest? Computers DO make errors ya know. Either way it's up to the senior admin like "I, The Rival" said.
Jamesizpro Wrote:Ever think that maybe i am being honest? Computers DO make errors ya know. Either way it's up to the senior admin like "I, The Rival" said.
I'm not accusing you of hacking, it's just what the plugin has banned you for. Bah is right though, it's better if you admit it because we sometimes cut the ban down from Permanent to 1 Month.
The fact is that if i did use a program to hack, my first post would have been a lot different and i would admit to it and ask for a shorter ban period. However, since i did not use any programs to hack, i just don't see the justification in banning me for any amount of time which is why i posted in the protest section.
Okay, that's fine

Since it was a ban by our automated hack detection plugin, you will have to wait for a senior admin to review