Well they locked the topic so nice of them, but you can't lock my views
Yes Sun in the Morning I know you, and didn't know you were admin but its so cool man, you are one of the coolest admin i have known, no attitude and nothing.
I am nice with nice admins like him, but if you show me attitude, you do something wrong, you are just humans man, admins are not gods and anything more than other players, they are there to helo us, not to show us attitude or unnecessary bans
And forgot to mention before, the admin WEED also KICKS BY MISTAKE, when he wants to kick blackhawk, so nice man what a admin, and you think you are more than others . huh
To Ruplayer: Ruplayer i am sure even if weed is not hitler though he banned me for no reason (ohh was that abusing, like nobody says no shit on server, dnt they usey that language?), Ruplayer you are sure some of a hitler person coz i think you got some personal frustration you wanna put on others as u increased my ban
To WEED: What i said, when you muted players (other players) for talking on a public server, as if it was crime, i asked admin what the hell is this, then i said fuck you admin ban me, so does that mean you ban me?? who gave you right to do that, This is a US server, and we use fuck as much as we like, who are you to put ban on us, Is this a gaming server or some moral education server.
As for server, i dnt wish to play here anymore coz i am not here to see you all admin's attitude, i've got mine man and you dnt know me
As for Server: This is a gaming server, and if you admins wanna make it world war 3 and Hitler part 2, then do whatever the hell you wanna do i am out
As for rage: I will rage whenever i see something wrong, i will protest and i will write you can ban me from server, you can ban me from here, but you got no shit control on me, you cant do a shit.
As for others: Admins are here not to have their frustration on people, and if they do and u think that u better stop your mouth, you're coward and you need to speak up for what is wrong.
Ruplayer and Weed: Do whatever the hell you wanna do with your server, you are admin now thats why you are flying high, one day when your wings will be cut down, you will crash and die!!!!!
They don't use inappropriate language to the extent that you do. Just one look at your chat history demonstrates your immaturity.
Your English is hard to understand, so forgive me if I misunderstand.
But the simple solution is, don't have such a foul mouth and such an attitude. Shape up your gameplay and your usage of words or you're not going to get far in life. You can state what you want to say but in reality admins aren't unleashing their frustration out on you. You can't go around saying "fuck" repeatedly in 99% of the servers out there, and nor can you do it in life, so why would you do it? It doesn't make you cool, it makes you look illiterate and rude.
Using profane language as "fuck" repeatedly isn't acceptable in any environment. It may be used in foreign environments such as a battlefield, but no one wants to see or hear you say the F-bomb repeatedly. There are situations where it's suited, but continued usage of such language is never acceptable. In this situation, you were wrong.
When you start to question the admin authority, tell the admin "fuck you" and then ask him to ban you, he's going to ban you. He is given that right because he helps the community grow and keeps in in track. You said you're Indian, and not from the US correct? Then how would you know what is socially acceptable? Saying "fuck" isn't socially acceptable in the US either, so.... your point is wrong. And you're argument overall is wrong.
And if you don't want to play here, then... don't. We're one of the most popular CS:S servers out here, so a loss of a player who doesn't understand social bounds isn't going to hurt us much.
krishj Wrote:admins here really do whatever they want, and their atttitude, omg they are admin not to play but to ban and stuff
Your attitude is simply worse, and you demonstrate it with your poorly backed arguments and threads.
If we admins are here to ban and stuff, then why are most of the admins highly ranked on the server and with a lot of play time? We don't do whatever we want, and we are bound by rules. You broke a rule, you were punished. It's as simple as that.
I'll pose this question to you, if we "only ban and stuff" and "are not here to play", then why do you only have 10,000 points total in your team at War-Lords? You have about 24 hours in War-Lords.
Let's use myself as an admin for example. I have about 72,000 points in total. So apparently I play a lot more than you. I have 17 days in War-Lords, so that's about 408 hours. And this is while working 3 jobs. So I do play a lot, cheers though.
Well if someone kicks me for no reason, and mutes other players without warning, i am gonna go against it, and for what you say that nobody uses fuck here, man from the time i have come i have only seen players talking this language only, and even players name like "how does it taste motherfucker", do you call that social bound, its not about one person, its not about me, surely u dnt give a shit i play here or not, you have so over proud or your server that you don't even care for whats wrong and whats right, surely its not about me coz after seeing this attitude i am not even gonna spit on this server , but as for you, you will suffer one day write it down i said so
I think I can explain this.
Krishj, we let people swear a little bit on the servers. But if you swear lots, then we ban you because no one likes to see lots of swearing. It's okay to say "fuck" a few times, but lots of times is just bad

I saw your chat logs and you swore a lot and didn't say much else so that's why you were banned for 1 day.
Then we see that you have been banned a few times before for the same thing (swearing lots) so we ban you for 1 week so that you have a longer punishment for not stopping. The first 2 bans should have been a big warning to you that we don't let people swear lots and insult players lots.
If you want to come back to our servers then please do in a week, but please don't swear so much because it is not very good for everyone to read. We are not Hitlers and we are not thinking we are gods either. It does say in the server rules that you are not allowed to swear lots
Please do not be angry at us for making sure that rules are followed because we want servers to be a friendly place for everyone to enjoy the game

whats does that swearing mean (swear a lot), i dnt even know i why i was banned two times, i thought it was wiki who got me banned coz he really got attitude problem and i am not good with having others attitude on me, what swearing??
Ruplayer: yesterday:: It looks more like admin(s) abuse report, not like questions-suggestions... And you're definitely mad, if you want to continue this conversation you need to calm down. Call names/actions/times whatever you got there, you don't make any sense so far.
krishj Wrote:Well if someone kicks me for no reason, and mutes other players without warning, i am gonna go against it, and for what you say that nobody uses fuck here, man from the time i have come i have only seen players talking this language only, and even players name like "how does it taste motherfucker", do you call that social bound, its not about one person, its not about me, surely u dnt give a shit i play here or not, you have so over proud or your server that you don't even care for whats wrong and whats right, surely its not about me coz after seeing this attitude i am not even gonna spit on this server , but as for you, you will suffer one day write it down i said so
The rules are there on the server. You agree to them when you play on the server.
I never said that nobody uses fuck, we use it quite often, but from the chat that I have seen from you, you use profane language very often, and often insult the other players in the server. That is not well-liked here, and is actually against the rules.
That is what is "right" in this situation, and in all honesty, no one wants to see or listen to a players belittle other players and ridicule them, it doesn't create a "right" environment.
Sure, I'll write it down, is that some kind of Indian prophecy?
Edit: So you don't like it when people have attitude on you, so you respond with more attitude? That's a very bad outlook on life.
Swearing is saying swear words like shit, fuck, motherfucker, etc. If you look at the chat log that we referenced to you earlier, you can see that you use "swear" or use a lot of inappropriate language and use that as a way to make fun of other players.
well then why don't you see other players chat history also, i said it when i was offended, so other players can offend me but i can't?? right
I said fuck you admin ban me after asking him many times why he muted those players why he unnecessarily kicked me, or else i have no personal beef with anyone i was new here, but seriously man these admins here think they are more than other, well then you are not
With server rules: server is to have fun here not to get attitude, admins can also reply to other players they are not more than others
To you: this is not some kinda Indian Prophecy, but its my curse given on you, coz whenever someone does something wrong with someone, he gets even worse in return, and u deserve that ((
I think you probably got banned because you said "fuck you admin ban me". You could have just come on the forums and asked why people were getting muted and why you were kicked?
But I haven't done anything to you but have an intelligent argument with reasoning backing my statements. So I'm confused as to what I've done?
Server rules are meant to keep the play fun and clean. It keeps the server alive. Yes, it doesn't give attitude, but when you violate these rules, be prepared to face the consequences.
You've been banned twice now by a Root admin (Head admin) for language, so you should've known better. You have been punished in the past for violating a rule, yet you refused to obey it. Their should have been no need to warn you again, as you continued to break these rules.
I can't speak for the admin, but we generally mute players who mic-spam or their mic is broken. Mic-spamming is never allowed, and nearly all servers have the same policy. Cursing and insulting other players is never allowed as well so you may be muted without warning if you break these rules.
Quote:Aug 17, 2011 11:22:23 am NOT U WEED CHAL BE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:22:09 am FUCK U ADMIN, GO BAN ME (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:21:37 am HEY ADMIN (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:21:10 am WHO THE FUCK IS ADMIN, TALK TO ME (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:19:36 am REMOVE HIS RIGHTS, HE IS NOOB (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:19:25 am I DNT KNOW, THIS ADMIN (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:19:11 am SOMEONE BAN THIS NOOB ADMIN (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:18:56 am WHAT THE HELL U THINK U ARE DOING (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:18:43 am ADMIN YOU MOTHERFUCKER SON OF A BITCH (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:17:48 am lolz (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 17, 2011 11:17:46 am asshole admin this is public server we have right to remain loud (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Your attitude is horrendous, you insult the admin multiple times (Against the rules), and you admit to being loud, so the mute was justified and well within the rules.
Quote:al gore plz stop waloling man (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:50:02 am al gore is walling for sure, u guys are noobs, ban him (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:54 am come french kiss (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:51 am one day i wont wash my ass for u (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:44 am only for u baby (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:37 am its exclusive for u (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:20 am asshole (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:11 am its tasty enough for u (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:04 am come suck it (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 16, 2011 5:46:00 am wikki u wanna eat my shit, its really brown
That's just unnecessary and uncalled for.
Quote:wiki you motherfucking son of a bitch arrogant bastard
For the record, he didn't ban you, and unless he was under a different name, he doesn't even have admin.
Quote:Aug 14, 2011 7:42:08 pm WARNING:: CTS YOU ARE BEING OFFICIALLY RAPED !!!!! (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:20:13 pm HE IS WALLING WHOLE DAY (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:19:10 pm !HOP (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:17:24 pm BALANCE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:16:37 pm DAMN U BATHORY (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:15:19 pm WARNING:: CTS YOU ARE BEING OFFICIALLY RAPED !!!!! (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:14:54 pm SHIT (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:14:51 pm THIS MAN, STILL (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:14:36 pm THIS IS CTS ROUND (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:14:31 pm AHHA (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:13:58 pm WARNING:: CTS YOU ARE BEING OFFICIALLY RAPED !!!!! (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 14, 2011 7:12:58 pm WARNING:: CTS YOU ARE BEING OFFICIALLY RAPED !!!!!
Quote:Aug 13, 2011 4:55:54 am u asshole if u will talk in language i dnt know with my name, why the hell wont i abuse u?? (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 13, 2011 4:54:32 am I DNT HATE U MAN (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 13, 2011 4:54:03 am HAHA (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 13, 2011 4:53:54 am FALCON HOWS UR SISTERS DICK (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 13, 2011 4:52:35 am FALCON U DICKFACE HOW ARE U (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 13, 2011 4:52:03 am FALCON MOTHERFUCKER HOW R U (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 13, 2011 4:51:11 am FALCON BHENCHOD KAISA HAI (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Um, language like this and trolling like this is not allowed. I'm surprised they let it go on this long.
Anyways, that's 4 pages back in your chatlog, just 4 pages. You asked the admin twice on why they were umuted and insulted the admin at least 4-5 times between then.The admin let you troll & abuse pretty hard.
You may not have some personal beef here, but I don't believe that. Your chatlog shows that you're a pretty angry person with a terrible attitude, so I'm not sure you should be questioning the attitude of others without looking at yourself.
Quote:Aug 11, 2011 9:52:10 am i rapoed him (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:52:07 am hahahaha omg (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:50:46 am cumon wiki do it man (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:48:54 am just do it (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:48:51 am ohh please just ban me, i dnt even like playing with people like u wiki (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:48:15 am i didnt, but ban me (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:48:03 am please (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:47:59 am yes all (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:47:50 am all yes (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:45:58 am HEHE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:43:52 am FALCON SUCK MY ASS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:42:47 am SUCK ON MY ASS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:42:42 am FALCON JA MA CHUDA (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:41:54 am DIE DIE DIE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:41:51 am WIKI WIKI WIKI (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:41:47 am I HATE WIKI (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:41:01 am DNT WORRY, NOT EVERYONE LOVE U (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:40:46 am I HATE U WIKI (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:40:40 am COZ THEY ARE PUSSIES (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:40:20 am GET STEAM ID CHANGER, AND MESS WITH ADMIN :p (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:39:17 am B, COME AND GET ME (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:38:50 am OHH HOW DO U KNOW, DOES YOUR MOM USED TO?? (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:38:11 am HACKER HACKER HACKER (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:37:39 am WIKI GOT SHOT = WIKI GOT WALL HACK?? (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:33:16 am WIKI U ASSHOLE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:32:23 am OK WIKI I TAKE MY HALF CURSES BACK (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:31:24 am lolz wiki (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:31:19 am ojk they can (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:31:15 am but noone can hear me (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:30:48 am lol idiot (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:30:21 am U ARE WORSE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:30:16 am AND I THOUGHT PAKISTANIS WERE BAD (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:30:08 am SERIOUSLY MAN HATE U (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:30:00 am COZ U THINK THEY HAVE BIG FUCKING MOUTH (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:29:27 am YOU THINK YOU CAN MISUSE UR POWERS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:29:17 am I HAVE BEEN ADMIN ON CSS, BUT I NEVER DID LIKE YOU (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:29:02 am I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:28:53 am HAHA (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:28:45 am DIE DIE DIE WIKI MOTHERFUCKER (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:28:36 am DIE DIE DIE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:28:30 am WIKI MOTHERFUCKER (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:57 am TERI BHEN KA LUND (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:50 am MADARCHOD (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:47 am FUCK OFF YOU BITCH ASS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:31 am AND YOU WILL BE HELD FOR IT ONE DAY (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:22 am BUT YOU ARE A FILTHY PERSON (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:10 am I AM MORE AGE THEN U (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:05 am I AM NOT KID (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:27:00 am NO NOT YET
Aug 11, 2011 9:26:50 am YOU WILL GET FOR THIS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:26:37 am YOU SON OF AN ASS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:26:30 am GO SUCK ON UR MOTHERS DICK (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:26:22 am FUCK UR SISTER IN ASS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:26:16 am BHENCHOD (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:26:14 am TERI MAA KA LUND (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:26:11 am WIKI MADARCHOD (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:24:59 am THEN FUCK OFF AND BAN ME (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:24:06 am FUCK U WIKI (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:23:53 am PUT IT IN UR ASS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:23:48 am YEAH (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:23:36 am SUCK ON MY DICK (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:23:31 am BAN ME WIKI (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:23:18 am POPEYE I DNT WANNA PLAY HERE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:23:13 am YOU MOTHER FUCKER, PUT YOUR MIC IN YOUR ASS (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:22:56 am WHAT THE HELL WIKI (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:22:22 am @ ADMIN MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU PUT YOUR MIC IN YOUR ASS? (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:22:06 am @ ADMIN (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:21:53 am IF YOU DONT TALK, WHAT FUN IS IT (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:21:40 am MOTHERFUCKER (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:21:35 am MADARCHOD (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:21:26 am WHO MUTED ME (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:21:03 am CAN U HEAR ME (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:20:59 am POPEYE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:17:04 am I KNOW POPEYE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:16:58 am AREY CT AJAO (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:16:50 am KYA POPEYE (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:14:34 am COME TO CT (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:14:32 am WASSUP (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 11, 2011 9:14:25 am POPEYE
Wow... I'm sorry but you seem like an uneducated moron.
(for your kind information, i was not muted) coz i didnt say these words tol him until he didnt reply me
Ofcourse i will be angry when someone offends me, and i will for sure have my attitude unleash upon them if they offend me
what a nice work putting up all my chat history here, but why don't you see other's,... ohh you want coz u wanna show me the bad guy here, sure you do it i wont stop you, surely not only like uneducated i will talk in any bullshit language to those who offend me, and this is not some intelligent discussion with reason or something, you are just doing this coz u like this, banned me for saying fuck you admin when after saying a log he dosent reply, thats ur warlords policy, its good i came to know so soon, do me one more favor, then ban u increased from one day to one week, please make it permanent
As for Top cSS server: lets see how long it remains on top with people like you around, will really keep on checking, all you admins are bloody hitlers, do whatever you wanna do with your server
And for the record: omg i really talk some funny bullshit