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Yep, I do

http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59581 ... 2FB90DEF6/
1 and 49, and they wont unstack. Sigh.

@Bah, you play office because of me <3
Hostage Wrote:Yep, I do

http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59581 ... 2FB90DEF6/
1 and 49, and they wont unstack. Sigh.

@Bah, you play office because of me <3

Indeed I do, indeed I do...

And they stack like this whenever they play together.
Always T.
Okay thank you for the screenshot, I am guessing that this is not the first time that such a horrid team stack has been the case in that server?

I will be making more of a presence in that server from now on, even though I dislike Office with a passion. I am sure that something will be sorted shortly, as team stacking kills server population and only benefits those who are active in the stacking.
I, The Rival Wrote:Okay thank you for the screenshot, I am guessing that this is not the first time that such a horrid team stack has been the case in that server?

I will be making more of a presence in that server from now on, even though I dislike Office with a passion. I am sure that something will be sorted shortly, as team stacking kills server population and only benefits those who are active in the stacking.

You're the greatest! Big Grin And yes its not the first time.


"OH look! new game started *smiley face*"
10 minutes later... http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59469 ... 658779375/
GG and btw that isn't me. I just grabbed the screenshot from someone.
I just banned one of the gg.us people for blatantly ignoring me for 24 hours when I switched his team. I told him I would ban him for a day if he did it a third time, to which he said go ahead, so I banned. I then switched another person from gg.us to the other team (there where three), and one of them started claiming admin abuse and being disrespectful to me so I gave one of them a 30 minute ban. They said something along the lines of 'we ghost when we are alive'. Now they don't talk in game so thats pretty clear they have teamspeak or the like in use.
I have to go to Dust2 quickly, but I will be in Office shortly after. Will see if I can sort this.

EDIT : Yeah they weren't there when I just went there.
Hostage Wrote:Just leaving this here... http://forums.gamingterritory.com/topic ... st-205-p4/

just read the whole thing, it's very accurate. :|
I'm tracking they have to commit the offense on wL servers to take any actions.  Don't hesitate to message me.  I joined the other day to stop them from winning on 24/7 office.  No issues with kicking afkers or taking note of spectators.
I have no doubt that they ghost after several experiences from playing with them.
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