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Full Version: OK.... im a little confused !!!!
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It says that i was permantently banned for recruiting. i have never recruited or advertised our server on war-lords servers....ever !!!!! i read through the entire banned section and everyone thinks we all ghost. we dont. No evidence has has been given to support any of these allegations against me. don't punish all of us because of our clan tag.

Oh yeah.... and the P4 demo that was copied and pasted from lotus clan forums isnt true...  it has my name in the supporters list. i never supported it.

                                                                                                                                                                - (gg.us)Gnarkill

Gnarkill, you have been highly disrespectful to me personally and seem to participate in all of the gg.us activities. You were a part of a group that openly planned on recruiting on our servers. Seeing your close ties with this group I simply don't believe you were not recruiting for their servers.
Highly disrepectful to you "personally" how? I will admit that there were a few times that you tried to even the teams by switching me and i would just switch back. This is the first time ive been on the forums and now know how many people were complaining about it but I never got any warnings like some others in (gg.us) did. And I know now not to do that. As far as the recruiting situation.... I have never promoted our servers on war-lords and never will. I think it is very unfair that i get permenantly banned just for the SUSPICION of recruiting. I think I should be unbanned and given a chance to prove this. If anyone ever produces evidence that I am recruiting then by-all-means, ban me. Hoepfully you will seriously consider this but, if I am to remain banned, then I guess its to be. thanks for at least listening to my side of the story.
Hmm.. I've got a solution to this situation. Leave the gg.us group and I'll personally unban you.  :o